How to make a girl for sex

How to make a girl for sex

To enjoy the success of girls, you need to learn to understand women's psychology. Defining the motives of their actions, you can easier to understand them, which will significantly increase your chances of success in sexual terms.

An important role is played by appearance. Keep track of your figure, pick up stylish things, dress up, use high-quality perfume and personal hygiene tools. But you should not just seem a worthy guy, but also to fit this image. Otherwise, the girl will feel your inner uncertainty and refuses even in acquaintance. Therefore, before the seduction of a beautiful floor, we work well over your inner state, if necessary - train confidence.

Divide the girl for sex on the first day of dating difficult, but perhaps. Choose a suitable place to get acquainted. If you want to spend with a girl only one night, the most suitable place will be a nightclub. Get acquainted with your favorite and try to stay together. To begin with, sit for a separate table or just go to the side. During the conversation, they are joking, unobtrusively touching her body. Try to raise interest in yourself. After that, put the comic argument on the kiss and make you won it in any case. If the kiss happens, the girl tune in to contact, and the rest is the case of technology.

After taking alcohol, the girls relax and become more free. This does not mean that it is necessary to make a "sacrifice", but if she agreed to drink a cocktail with you - use the situation. If she relaxed, dilute it to the sex will be much easier, because many girls are denied because of its stiffness.

This method is suitable for guys configured to serious relationships. The girl is much easier to come to contact when she is in love. Therefore, courtship is very important in order to please her. You must give to understand the girl that she is not a choice for one night. Take care of her, be sure to interest her, the past day, mood. At the same time, do not be a guy on the blisters, otherwise she will quickly lose interest to you. In this way, you will not be able to seduce it on the first evening, but in the future you can achieve this pretty quickly.

Learn to listen and understand it. Many girls tend to dramatize "empty" for male situations. But for her at this moment your support is very important, and she is waiting for it. You will even play it on your hand - you can hug her, kiss, brushing the tears, sorry and start caressing. It was proved that after the girl sorry, it is much easier to lean to sex. It should not be specifically to bring it to tears, but if the quarrel really happened, you can smooth the situation and turn it into the right you need.

Be careful. If you learn to guess desires, then increase your chances of success in a sexual matter. For example, if the girl told you that I would like to go to the movies, planetarium, etc., acquire tickets and please her. Believe that it will appreciate this gesture, and to achieve its location in sexual terms will be much easier.

If you are tuned to a serious relationship, do not hint at the girl that you want to quickly make sex with her - this approach will only pound it. Talk to intimate themes, let comic comments about what they saw love scenes (for example, in the movies). Soon she will begin to be surprised that you do not take any steps in an intimate plan. You will notice her desire - she will tremble from one of your touch.

All of the above methods you can combine and apply in practice. The main thing is that they be appropriate in a specific situation. And remember that it is impossible to deceive the beautiful floor - if you want to spend only one night with a girl, find such that your desires coincide.

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