How to break the girl

How to break the girl

The breaking of the relationship is always hard given to both partners, but someone still decides to put the point. And most often girls do it. Forget, break out the one with which he spent the best days from which was happy, it is not easy. If there is at least one chance to return everything, won your favorite again - do not miss it! Try all methods and means. If she finally disappointed in your relationship, and you do not know how to sob it, try to do the following.

Do not start drinking and go into the roasted! Alcohol still did not save anyone, but in a drunken state of nonsense, you can make a bunch. Yes, and parents will hurt to look at what is happening with their son. You are a man! Learn how to restrain your emotions in yourself.

Do not immediately look for a replacement. The well-known saying "Wedge Wedge is embroodble" in this case does not act most often. Only bring pain another person, whom you will be disturbed by your attitude. After all, you will begin to compare a new girl with the one that you love, look for shortcomings, reproach. Moreover, you should not change the girls like gloves. Of course, there is a small chance that the former you will jump, but it is too small. But the risk of collecting a "bouquet" of sores is quite high. If there is also sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can hardly think about protection. Want to already become a dad or permanent customer of venereology? The same.

Try to let her go! Do not look for meetings, do not check its page on social networks. Try temporarily to exclude any contact or meeting. Do not write, do not call, do not ask for meetings, do not shock SMS with a request to forgive. In order not to wait for you to her in the future (if it, of course, will be), let her time at least realize how it is to live without you. Yes, and your male pride will spare.

Take your free time! For example, find a new hobby or deal with sports. Sport you will not just help you forget at least a girl, distract, but will put you in order. Maybe when you have new forms, she will look at you in a new way? Let at least for a while it becomes an incentive. But the hobby is the most different. Exception - Motorcycle Racing, Machines. In your condition, it is practically as dangerous as alcohol. But riding horseback, fishing, paintball or any sports games will be a great way to take your time, throw out excess energy and find new interests.

Remove everything that reminds her! Postcards, cute baubles, gifts, photos, etc. Of course, it is not worth throwing out and fill it all, but to hide somewhere on the very top in the closet will become a wonderful solution. First, if only because life is extremely unpredictable thing. And the fact that you broke up and not together for a month or two, does not yet mean that you will never have a relationship. Secondly, some of these things you can just come in handy ever.

How to obey the girl to which the feelings remained? Unfortunately, you will have to figure it out with this question. We hope our tips will help find the right decision.

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