How to communicate with a girl

How to communicate with a girl

To communicate with the girls of us, guys, do not teach either at school or at the university. But the correct communication is important for dating and further development of relations. What are the basic principles of a conversation with a girl?

How to communicate with a girl - the features of the topic

When you are not familiar with the girl, she is not ready to reveal before you. Therefore, you need to be very careful not to put yourself and her in an uncomfortable situation. Do not affect the following topics:

  • work, business and income;
  • health status;
  • personal life;
  • diseases;
  • beliefs;
  • family problems.

Exception - If the girl herself wants to share personal problems.
If she is interested in football, computers or cars - perfectly. There is an additional topic for conversation. If such mainly male hobbies do not like, do not turn into communication to their own monologue.
Tell her an interesting story from your life. Share your experience in care of your favorite pet. Talk about music or films. Interest, laugh and listen to her.

Learn to smoothly change the topic. Use an open question. For example, you talked about colors. Ask her: "Flowers - a good gift. But, perhaps, do you like other gifts? " So you can not only continue the conversation, but also to decide on the presentation for her day.

How to communicate with a girl - testing - no

Just yesterday you met, and today you consider it as a candidate for the position of the future wife. Do not turn the conversation into an interview. The girl does not like to talk constantly about the features of cooking, clothes washing or the regularity of their own spending on clothes and cosmetics. You could seriously hurt her, if it is to keep under review the role of housewife. Maybe she plans to become a successful lawyer or manager, not a cook you eat three meals a day.

If you both get pleasure from communication is the right conversation. If some of you are not comfortable, you need to change the topic, on what we have already stopped.

It is better to think that you can make it better to come to you. You can also in a word, but better things. Then you will get a good girlfriend or faithful partner.

How to communicate with a girl - an interesting hobby

We have only one life, so you need to live with pleasure. 3-5 original hobbies - and you already know what to tell. Susior Snowboard, Travel, Share Plans for the Future, Floating in the pool, go to the sauna, learn to take pictures cool, visit nightclubs or become Meloman. Look around a lot of interesting things around.
Try to choose such a lesson that could share with the girl. The overall hobby is not only a reason for the conversation, but also a good way to get closer.

How to communicate with a girl - do not tighten

Many guys make the same mistake. They say, they say until the girls are told. Permanent monologues of themselves should not occupy a lion part of the conversation. Do not forget that you have a interlocutor.

Try to complete the conversation in the most interesting place. When the girl is enthusiastically looking at you. When your next word is guessing and you smile together. When she coquetty straightens her hair. Then she will look forward to the next meeting. The duration of the first communication after dating no more than 1.5 hours.

How to communicate with a girl - compliments

New hairstyle, stylish clothes, good makeup - good opportunity to praise the girl. Everyone is nice if his efforts notice and evaluate.

It is much more important to learn about her pluses that are unnoticed by the naked eye. Does it have special achievements in school or at work, successfully studies the second language or appreciates fiction? Just ask what she does and get a lot of tips for nice words in her address. Remember, if you do not tell the compliment, it will do someone else.

Compliments must be sincere. Most girls can very easily determine where cheap words, and where is real praise. Therefore, look for a girl what you really like. Then words will go from the heart.

Read several classic communications books and use the knowledge gained in practice. Meet and speak with the most different girls. Learn their behavior on your words and actions. So turn into a pleasant and confident interlocutor.

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