New above
  • Love
    It is not always possible to understand how another person belongs to you. Often girls do not talk about their feelings straight, however, in various indirect signs, you can easily understand if you like the girl.
    13.02.2018 446 0
  • Acquaintance
    It is believed that a man is a hunter and a getter for his nature, he chooses a woman himself. In fact, it is the first woman who makes his choice, attracting the man that liked, feeding him non-verbal signals, having secreted himself from the crowd.
    04.09.2017 437 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Do not wait February 14 to arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one. Choose to meet any day.
    27.08.2017 450 0
  • Acquaintance
    The girl's invitation for a date is quite common, but it will take place or not, directly depends on the response of the girl.
    01.07.2017 399 0
  • Acquaintance
    The Internet replaced us real life. Now on the Internet you can do everything: buy products or sell an apartment, book a table in a restaurant or watch a movie online, you can work or communicate with friends who are on the other end of the globe, and, of course, you can find your love on the Internet.
    16.06.2017 463 0
  • Love
    Fun and laughter frank people, making it out of closer and causing a desire to meet more often. It was because of this that the guys think about how to make a girl to laugh.
    13.04.2017 478 0
  • Acquaintance
    Women love ears and successfully said compliment can highly raise your rating in the eyes of the girl. With the help of a compliment, you can achieve the location of the girls you liked, the approval of the boss or sympathy of the colleague.
    25.03.2017 484 0
  • Love
    The first kisses are a very touching event. And you need to know how young man behave correctly, so as not to spoil the impression.
    23.03.2017 387 0
  • Acquaintance
    The Internet firmly entered our life, and now it's not just a way to find the necessary information, but also a way to get acquainted with a person who can later change all his life.
    05.03.2017 432 0
  • Relationship
    Most guys are shy and afraid to make this step. There are cases when the guy manages to ask the girl permission.
    05.03.2017 461 0
  • Acquaintance
    Under flirting, the mutual attachment game of men and women in order to transfer information about sexual interest to each other, attract attention and give a signal to more active actions of a potential partner.
    19.02.2017 413 0
  • Acquaintance
    To communicate with the girls of us, guys, do not teach either at school or at the university. But the right communication is important for acquaintance and further development of relations.
    18.01.2017 483 0
  • Love
    Kiss is an expression of sympathy and love. It's no secret that the further development of relations depends on the first kisser.
    14.01.2017 574 0
  • Relationship
    So, happened! Time of thin hints, light flirting ended. He invited you on a date. How to behave on the first date to follow the second?
    08.01.2017 476 0
  • Relationship
    Girls - creating unpredictable, capricious and with vulnerable soul. They often appear depression, and the mood deteriorates.
    07.01.2017 456 1
  • Acquaintance
    It is mistaken to believe that the question "How to interest a girl?" Only inexperienced and young guys are asked.
    05.01.2017 449 0
  • Love
    Before you fall in love with the girl you like, first you need to determine if you need it, we need all the pros and cons, because if you yourself do not feel romantic feelings for it, we do not advise you to do so in order to avoid unnecessary problems .
    04.01.2017 483 0
  • Relationship
    Many girls argue that real men translated, but still dreaming to meet a real gentleman who can carefully take care of her.
    26.11.2016 532 0
  • Acquaintance
    Men as well as women with difficulty getting a conversation with an unfamiliar man. Often a man cannot start a conversation with a girl on the street, not knowing how to do it properly, so as not to scare the representative of the fine sex.
    22.10.2016 433 0
  • Marriage
    It is believed that men are creatures serious and independent, but contrary to all they also need attention and care.
    10.09.2016 537 0
  • Relationship
    The right kiss is real art. Girls do not like rude guys, but also too shy will not be interested.
    28.07.2016 743 0
  • Relationship
    It is not always easy to get away from an annoying Uhager. There is such a type of guys who fail to stimulate to new feats, and they do not calm down until they take the Girl of Emory.
    03.01.2015 1560 0
  • Love
    Romantic mood depends on both participants, however, male attention occupies a leading position.
    28.12.2014 1762 0
  • Relationship
    A romantic evening is arranged to strengthen relations between loved ones or at the beginning of courtship. A man and a woman want to make a date in different ways.
    24.12.2014 1535 0
  • Relationship
    You met, and the traitor-sleep left you, all thoughts only about this angel, and time stopped.
    29.11.2014 944 0
  • Love
    Men are inherently straightforward. Their way to seek a woman, most often, primitive, is open and transparent.
    28.11.2014 1198 0
  • Acquaintance
    Here it is! Handsome, clever, styles and one that does not notice you. What do you need to do to attract the attention of the guy?
    09.11.2014 1516 0
  • Relationship
    In society it is accepted that the guy should offer to meet, and not a girl. But is it worth living in templates and always do what they are waiting for us?
    18.10.2014 1568 0
  • Relationship
    There is an opinion that girls are mysterious and unpredictable creatures that do not know what they want.
    05.10.2014 1780 0
  • Relationship
    With a girl dangerous to miss, as she can decide that you are a tedious and uninteresting. Beautiful sexers quickly bored with monotony, so it is important to prevent the monotonous development of events.
    24.09.2014 3730 0
  • Relationship
    Did you get to get into the ridiculous situation when you could not squeeze out words about a date with a girl?
    21.09.2014 1929 0

