What to cook for a romantic dinner

What to cook for a romantic dinner

Do not wait February 14 to arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one. Choose to meet any day. Surprise your second half a delicious menu and for this it is not necessary to go to the restaurant. Consider, this event is responsible, prepare decent dishes, create an exciting atmosphere and positive emotions are guaranteed.

What to cook for a romantic dinner - chicken breast under mushroom sauce

This is the main dish on your desk. The chicken is not fat, like pork and dish it will be easy. Prepare products:

  • 1 bulb;
  • 500 g of chicken breeds;
  • 6 pieces of champignons or white mushrooms;
  • salt and ground pepper black to taste;
  • 200 g of cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 50 g of solid cheese;
  • little olive oil.

Prepare a mixture of soybean sauce, olive oil, black and salt pepper. Place a chicken mixture and leave to pickle half an hour. Wrap meat in foil and bake in the oven 25 -30 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees. While the meat is baked, the plates cut the mushrooms, the bulb - half rings. Heat the pan and fry mushrooms with onions. Add cream to them. After boiling the contents of the frying pan, the grated cheese is placed. Purry and turn off the fire in 5 minutes. You got the sauce. Explress the finished breast on the plates and pour the sauce.

What to cook for a romantic dinner - snacks

Serve a romantic table with light snacks or a couple of varlenities of cutting. Two options for snacks:

  • delicious canapes. 300 g Feta cheese and two fresh cucumbers. Cut into cubes. Olives buy without bones. Take the skewers and alternately strip cheese and cucumbers with olives. Put the "kebabs" on beautiful plates;
  • tomatoes with cheese filling. Five medium tomatoes cut in half. Take out the flesh and grind the blender. Cups from the tomato peel do not throw away. Sprinkle in a bowl of crushed tomato flesh with grated cheese, pour mayonnaise. Stir and lay out the stuffing in the tomato cups.

What to cook for a romantic dinner - Salad with shrimps and avocado

Prepare products:

  • 200 g of shrimp frozen;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 ripe large avocado;
  • 1 Fresh Cucumber;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise. If you take sour cream - you need a pinch of salt.

Place the shrimp water boiling on the stove and hold 7 minutes. Remove and give them time to cool. Further cooking process:

  • cut avocado into two parts. Remove the bones, cut the core with the flesh. Do not spoil the peel, it will be a salad bowls. The pulp of the fetus shred up to a puree-like state and put in the ass;
  • boil the egg by screwing;
  • free the boiled shrimps from the shell, cut finely and put in a bowl of avocado flesh. Stir;
  • cut the skin with a washed cucumber, chop finely. Send to shrimps and avocado with a chopped egg;
  • carefully shift well-stirred salad into the bowls of the fetus peel, a little mayonnaise drip on top and outline the original cups on a large dish.

What to cook for a romantic dinner - a delicious dessert

For a tasty dessert in chocolate cream, buy fruit - banana, kiwi, pear, apple, orange. It will take some cream, 30 ml of brandy, chocolate and 50 g of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • washed fruits cut into pieces;
  • in the water bath, melt the chocolate to obtain a liquid chocolate mixture;
  • beat with cognac and cream sugar. At the end of the process, add melted chocolate;
  • stir the chocolate cream mixture with chopped fruits in a bowl and lay out in the cream. On top at will decorate with fruit or cream;
  • put a delicious dessert to the fridge for half an hour. Dropped dessert treat the chosen one.

Prefer dishes that are easy and quick to cook. You do not want romance after five hours spent at the stove. Candles on the table with a beautiful tablecloth and kitchenware, delicious dishes, wine glasses, nice music - and your romantic evening will be unforgettable!

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