Simple Salads on Smell Hand

Simple Salads on Smell Hand

Salads in haste - it is unpretentious dishes that can cook every woman, having at hand a simple set of edibles. The salad with bought-in sauces or domestic, in principle, any combination of products, the main thing - do not overdo it with the spices.

Quick salad - a peculiar mix of vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs and other things, that there is at the time of cooking in the arsenal of housewives.

Simple salads hastily vegetables

Such food is easy to prepare, full of vitamins, everyone likes.

Salad of tomatoes

Take two tomato and cucumber, a bunch of radishes, a few turnips, greens. For the filling - three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of lemon juice, garlic clove.

  • Wash vegetables. Cut.
  • Chop greens.
  • All put in a bowl, mix, season with salt. Season the sauce.

This dish is quite amiss for a full dinner on a hot day.

Photo 1.

Potato salad with beans

Cut two boiled potatoes, carrots, three hard-boiled eggs, add to the salad bowl. Add a cup of canned beans, chopped bell pepper. Stir the mixture with herbs, salt, 100 c. mayonnaise. Garnish with grated carrots culinary product. Salad serve as an appetizer before lunch or dinner.

picture 3

Cabbage salad with mushrooms

Chop 1/3 of the cabbage. Put in oblivnye container, salt, remember to release the juice. Mushrooms pickled - 150 c, onion, two cooked eggs - cut, and 100 c. cheese grate. Put everything in a bowl, pour a mixture of vegetable oil and sour cream, taken 1: 1. Put the dish in elegant dish, sprinkle with green onions.

Photo 2.

Simple salads whipped up meat and fish

These salads are considered to be very hearty and served as a separate dish. The most important thing - the greens should not exceed 1/4 of the meat components.

Salad "Meat delight"

Take all at 100 g that is in reserve: boiled meat, sausage, spickers, core, cheese. Olives - Fullack, if not, replace the salt cucumber. To add two tomatoes, from greenery - dill, basil. Sauce - 150 gr. low-fat sour cream mixed with 1 tsp. honey and a pinch of burning pepper. All the ingredients do, fold into the salad bowl, pour the seasoning. Stir.

Photo 4.

Salad "Piquant"

Prepare: 250 gr. Roasted chicken, having a pear and grapefruit, a quarter of a cup of any crushed nuts. Refill - Mix olive oil with a spoonful of mustard and grated horseradish, salt, any spicy herbs. Chicken and fruit cut out, put in a bowl of layers, shedding sauce.

Tip: If there are no spices, dispel and add several slices of sharp chips in the kushanye.

Photo 5.

Fish canned salad

An unusual snack for evening meal can be built using a jam sairo or a pump. And if the boiled rice remained from yesterday's snack, steep eggs, fresh cucumbers or pickled whales, then such a dish can be obsessed before the dump. There will be no extra green. Salt, pepper - to taste. Sour cream or mayonnaise - 170 gr.

Rice put in a bowl, add a fishing fork fish, cucumbers, mushrooms. Stir, fill, decorate parsley.

Photo 6.

Hot Salads on Smell Hand

As a rule, warm salads are in demand in winter, but also in the summer, in a cool rainy evening, they will come up as if the way.

For cooking snacks, use the remains of buckwheat porridge, rice, pasta, lentils. Take any meat, stew and seafood is not yet reborn. Be sure to have tomatoes, sweet peppers, olives, kinza, green onions, parsley. Cheese in such a dish is desirable, moreover, it does not matter hard or soft, and the cheens, feta, mozzarella.

Sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, greenery mix in a cup with porridge and stew, add a tablespoon of sesame oil, spray, sprinkle with cheese. Put in the microwave so that the cheese is melted. Serve immediately, decomposing into dessert plates with a tart of gravy, for which at 100 gr. Tomato juice dissolve 50 ml of thick cream, a teaspoon of a grainy mustard.

Simple salads on an ambulance hand - satisfying, useful, inexpensive. Change in them components to your taste and the presence of a provisional in the refrigerator and surprise all the ability to cook quickly, tasty, with a fantasy.

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