  • Society and culture
    Ramadan is a post, a month, when Muslims refrain from making food and water in a bright day of day.
    08.09.2018 334 0
  • Society and culture
    As you know, Sujur is called the morning meal during the observance of the post in Ramadan. She is taken before dawn, this food is considered gracious.
    22.08.2018 520 0
  • Religion
    Clean Thursday is the fourth day at the passing week preceding the Easter holiday. With clean Thursday, several key events preceding the crucifixion of Christ are connected.
    22.08.2018 363 0
  • Holidays and rest
    On the Orthodox calendar, during the year there are many different significant dates and holidays, but there are those who are paid great attention.
    20.08.2018 267 0
  • Religion
    Akathist - a laudatory solemn singing, in which the Lord, Virgin or Saints praise. Translated from the Greek word Akathist means "anthem that is not read sitting."
    07.08.2018 306 0
  • Society and culture
    The Church of Christ the Savior is one of the greatest temples in Russia. He is the central temple of our country, here is often, in the days of great holidays, the Great Patriarch itself conducts services, and the president also happens.
    05.08.2018 332 0
  • Society and culture
    Easter is perhaps one of the greatest holidays of Orthodox Christians. It is celebrated widespread, on this day most of the believers visit the temple, where they are happy with the resurrection of Christ and glorify it.
    04.08.2018 264 0
  • Religion
    Even Christians who are considered truly pious people are very often not aware of many details of the appendant faith.
    03.06.2018 284 0
  • Holidays and rest
    Approaching a light Easter - all the preparations are about to begin, and that everything is, as it should be, you need to know some moments, including the signs and traditions of the Christian faith.
    26.05.2018 291 0
  • Society and culture
    In fact, this question is asked more often than you can imagine. The fact is that there are a lot of opinions about this very much and today we will deal with how it is still correct to write Christ and Christ is risen, with a big or small letter.
    20.05.2018 322 0
  • Religion
    Church sacraments are crescent, through which a person is given to the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Orthodoxy, seven church sacraments are installed.
    29.04.2018 401 0
  • Religion
    You are with great joy prepare for the baptism of your child and have already chosen, the name of the baby, and who will trust to be godded parents, and where and how to celebrate the christening.
    14.04.2018 373 0
  • Religion
    Last Sunday, before the beginning of the Great Post, Christians celebrate the holiday for a farewell Sunday.
    02.04.2018 353 0
  • Society and culture
    In August, we are waiting for 3 great Christian holidays: honey, apple and nut saved. In this article, we will consider the Honey Savior Festival in detail.
    14.03.2018 351 0
  • Society and culture
    The Orthodox calendar is not just a calendar with 12 months. In such a calendar, all holidays, large and small, posts are multi-day and one-day, which can be found in the post and carnival week, which saint wears every day of the week.
    05.03.2018 500 0
  • Society and culture
    On the eve of the Great Post, in the Christian faith there is forgiveness, the last day of Maslenitsa is one of the most significant days a year, it is on this day that all believers ask for forgiveness from each other, for the made atrocities or resentment, asking repentance and redemption of their own sins.
    28.02.2018 385 0
  • Holidays and rest
    The glorious holiday of the Holy Trinity notes every believer Christian. But, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the essence of the greatest event that happened on this day.
    26.02.2018 345 0
  • Marriage
    Wedding is a great sacrament, a huge step for a married couple, in which the Union of Two Lovers is blessed.
    24.02.2018 329 0
  • Society and culture
    You saw products on the shelves of stores with a note "Halal" and did not give it much importance. Some people consider this strange note by the company's trademark.
    15.02.2018 344 0
  • Religion
    In recent times, a red thread becomes a frequent accessory on the wrist. Someone just follows a fashion trend, and someone invests in this deep meaning and hopes that this charm will be able to protect against the negative.
    05.01.2018 598 0
  • Society and culture
    In the Orthodox faith of the child, there are not parents, and the godfather and the godfather. Who can become a godfather for a child?
    19.12.2017 430 0
  • Religion
    The church began to go long before the start of reading the New Testament. Christians of the first centuries accepted him, t.
    18.11.2017 332 0
  • Children
    Baptism is a very touching and important event in the life of every person. For parents, the baby is a new stage in the life of their children, the troubles about the gifts and the choice of godpieces.
    25.10.2017 372 0
  • Religion
    Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? The question of many girls who plan or invited to baptize the baby, wedding, and menstruation days fall on the scheduled date.
    09.10.2017 512 0
  • Society and culture
    The baptism of the child is a responsible period in life and the baby, and his parents. If only its presence is required in church ritual from the baby, the baptism for an adult is a significant event in life.
    30.09.2017 390 0
  • Society and culture
    Baptism is an important point in life, because a person is tortured from the unclean strength and acquires the guardian angel.
    25.09.2017 373 0
  • Society and culture
    The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on January 19, by the old calendar this day is falling on January 6.
    20.09.2017 362 0
  • Society and culture
    Holy Communion or how often it is called, communion - a mandatory ritual for believers of Orthodox, it can be carried out just a week, and once a month or a year.
    17.09.2017 392 0
  • Society and culture
    January 19 - Baptism of the Lord, a big holiday, which is looking forward to all Christians. On this day, priests hold a rite of consecration of water or water binding, after which you can plunge into Jordan to get rid of sins and heal.
    17.08.2017 365 0
  • Society and culture
    The patronage of the saint is usually determined by your birthday. It is these days that the names for a number of the saints of both sexes are appointed, therefore, you will not be difficult to find out which names will cope on this day and, for example, choose the name of the child.
    16.07.2017 544 0
  • Useful advice
    The Church of Christ the Savior is one of the landmark sights of the Russian capital. The majestic architecture of facades and the religious significance of the object make it attractive for tourists and pilgrims.
    15.07.2017 465 0
  • Religion
    Psaltry is the book of sacred hymns or psalms, most of which are written by the king David to bring the Holy Spirit.
    14.07.2017 569 1
  • Society and culture
    Baptism of the Lord is a great holiday. All Orthodox churches are overflowed on this day, people hurry to sanctify water.
    14.07.2017 428 0
  • Places of rest
    Blessed Matronushka - the great intercession of Moscow, which saves, helps and sends. A visiting card of the capital can be considered a living queue for a small poor old woman.
    14.07.2017 613 0
  • Society and culture
    The death of a loved one is grief and mental pain for relatives. According to Christian religion, a fortieth day is the most important.
    01.07.2017 682 0
  • Religion
    Prayer concerns those people who are in the hardest position of the Spirit, they are almost on the verge of losing themselves.
    29.06.2017 464 0
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