When honey saved?

When honey saved?

In August, we are waiting for 3 great Christian holidays: honey, apple and nut saved. In this article, we will consider the Honey Savior Festival in detail.

When honey saved?

The first saved traditionally celebrate on August 14, this holiday promises us the beginning of a two-week Assumption post. On this day, the festival is a festival to the All-aircraft Sava and the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven MChh. Makaveev.

  • You need to give my duty to martyrs believers in churches, bring with you a special bouquet of summer colors and poppies, they are also called makovoye. The composition can be supplemented with oats, viburnum (especially if the bouquet brings a girl, it will bring her happiness), sunflowers and wormwood.
  • Oats designates prosperity in the family, sunflower - the sun, which gives heat and light, protects against unclean forces and the evil eye. Also, in the bouquet you can add carnations, asters and dahlias.
  • So that the year was a yield to church, you need to come. And on the eve, on the eve of the post, it is necessary to confess and compete, it is also desirable to stay at the evening service on August 13.
  • After consecration, the makovoye must be put near the icons or on the window, and because Poppy by this time already ripens its seeds need to sink the whole house and the economy to protect from evil and unclean. Also, the head of the sanctified poppy can be put in the crib of the child, on a pillow, which is bad sleep. To throw out a bouquet in no case, after all the flowers dried need to burn it.
  • In some villages, a tradition has been preserved to install crosses on Macovya, decorate them with flowers, and the youth dances around it all night, thus protects the cross.
  • Also, it is at the beginning of the Assumption post, all the beekeepers begin to collect honey, and bring to sanctification in order to enrich it with healing properties. Therefore, saved and called honey. In addition to the honey itself, you can bring cakes, makom buns, honey cakes or cookies.

But the wet was called because on this day, Rus took the baptism for the punishment of Prince Vladimir. At the same time, new wells were sanctified and cleaned old. Believers believe in the fact that it was in Honey Savior who should plunge into the river or wash off the source, so you can wash off all sins and get rid of diseases. Although earlier on the day of honey s exace, and people were forbidden to swim, because You can bother or get sick. This is a logical explanation, the summer ended on this day, and it was possible to catch a cold.

Bans on Macovoy

You can not:

  • Work around the house, except for the preparation of food and care for your cattle, you need to get out the day before
  • You can not swear and be angry with someone, because it can return to you boomerang
  • Talk loudly and celebrate, it can scare bees
  • Since the Assumption post begins, it is impossible to eat meat and greasy dishes, traditional cakes and pies are tasty enough and enough for the holiday.

On this day, all women who are praying for forgiveness from their angel keeper are forgiven all sins and crime free and unwitting. Observing ancient traditions, after consecration, you can bake a honey, collect the whole family at the table, bring praise and memory to the martyrs and saint.

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