When the Chinese New Year begins

When the Chinese New Year begins

The new year in China is celebrated twice - traditionally at the end of the year from December 31 to January 1 and Chinese, the date of which depends on the eastern calendar. This new year is waiting for not only Chinese residents.

The Chinese New Year is an important holiday that the inhabitants of this multimillion country are eagerly awaited, they are celebrated in Asia countries and even in Georgia, according to old style.

When the Chinese New Year begins

Since the date is always "floating" and depends on the lunar cycle, every year with accurate confidence, when there will be a Chinese New Year, there can not be any resident of this country. But now you can calculate and find out this date. So, it all depends on the lunar cycle, which falls on the date, starting from the end of January to the end of February. Next year, 2018, the New Year for the Chinese will come on February 16. This is the main date, but the holidays will last longer. Starting from February 16, from the moment of the onset of the Chinese New Year and up to March 2. Therefore, if you set out to order something on the world famous trading platform Aliexpress, you have to do this or earlier to have time to get your order before the new year's onset, or later. Because in China, the work of shops and institutions is suspended.

On the eve of the celebration of the New Year, the Chinese are dressed up and overlook the streets to meet the change of patron. In the calendar of this country there are 12 patrons, which is replaced by one by one and asks the tone of the next year. So, 2017 year is the year of the fiery rooster, and the next year on the Chinese calendar, which will begin on February 16, will be the year of the earthen dog. This is an animal and will ask the tone to the next new year.

Already now in the shops for sale New Year's symbolism - elegant Chinese clothing of red bright color (this is the main color of the new year) and special envelopes of the same shade. These envelopes are taken to invest cash bills in order to give such a gift to their children, relatives and friends.

Preparation for the celebration of the Chinese New Year

Residents of this country begin to prepare for the celebration of the New Year in advance and carefully clean their homes. They go through their belongings and analyze what they did not use during the year. All unnecessary is thrown.

The decoration of the dwelling is allocated enough time to bring it in order and adequately meet the holiday. The Chinese are decorated with red garlands their homes buy red clothes. Fire red, according to the Chinese, takes away from the house of evil spirits.

The Christmas tree in China is not customary to install, instead of the new year celebration symbol, decorated with paper garlands and special posters with red inscriptions, walls and entrance to the house. Instead of Christmas tree in the center of the room, there are large trays with tangerines and oranges, which are posted in a circle. In each circle - exactly 8 citrus. This figure in the residents of the Middle Kingdom means longevity.

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