2017 - year of red or fiery rooster. To please the symbol of the year and attract good luck in your life, you need to think in advance where, with whom to celebrate what to wear, what to serve on the table. Tips of astrologers.
Meet the Year of Rooster Astrologers advise in a fun noisy company. Gather with relatives, friends and people close to you. Home decoration is important. As much as possible bright colors! The rooster is attentive to the little things, so pay them due attention. Garlands, tinsel, stickers with a symbol of the year - they should be in every corner of the house.
The choice of the outfit is also symbolic. To please the fire rooster choose color, bright clothes. The perfect option is red, orange and golden tones. Suitable light, flowing fabrics. Do not dress clothes that makes movements. If you have a monotonous dark outfit, then be sure to decorate it with a bright accessory. It can be a belt, brooch, large beads.
Choosing a hairstyle, manifest a fantasy. Be sure to add a spectacular nuance. You can decorate the hair with a hairpin with beautiful feathers or a bright ribbon in your hair.
Golden shades are preferable for makeup. The main rule when applied is to issue an internal angle of the upper eyelid with a brighter color, gradually turning into the dark. This gives an effect of expressive eyes. A thin strip of liquid eyeliner will visually give a dense eyelashes.
The festive New Year's table should also be covered so as not to offend the fiery rooster, but to attract his attention and deserve the location. To serve, select a one-photo tablecloth, napkins in tone. Wares from plastics are not welcome, better use glass or ceramics. Put a saucer on the table with any cereal, it will like the symbol of the year. Do not forget about the candles.
The fiery cock will not tolerate dishes from birds and chicken eggs on the New Year's Eve. So the holiday in American style with a baked turkey this year is not the best option. Eggs can be used in baking and when cooking mayonnaise. The main thing is not to file them on the table as a whole. Baked pork, lamb, meat yeast pie, cheese and meat slicing, bay, pickles, salads with shrimps, vegetables, meat, snacks with caviar, pies.
Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits on the table. You can beautifully arrange them, cut flowers and other decorations. You can also collect assorted fruits in a beautiful vase.
Following this simple tips, you can meet the new year of the red rooster in all the rules in order not to move happiness and good luck. Let the main holiday of the year be fun and easy, and next year will bring only joy and happy events.
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