New Year 2015.

New Year 2015.

None of the holidays we do not expect with such impatience as the new year. This is the time of new hopes and aspirations, all around are in anticipation of a miracle. So I want to feel myself again a child and get a priceless gift from Santa Claus. A good holiday requires careful advance preparation. On the last day of December 2014 we will celebrate 2015, the year of the goat (sheep) on the Chinese calendar.

Officially, on the lunar calendar, the blue wooden goat will come on February 19 of the next year. It will bring positive changes for all signs of the zodiac, especially creative personalities. Since this is a pet, then meet the new year is preferably at the family hearth.

Main colors are green and blue. Green is associated with luxury and youth. Blue tones are pacified, personify loyalty, constancy, landscaling.

Symbols of 2015 - tree and fire. This time, without a fragrant green christmas tree, can not do. The tree is associated with talents, prosperity and abilities. Amulets from this material will help in business, will increase social status. With their help, it is possible to win the benefits of other people. As an animal, the sheep is under fire protection. Therefore, candles are suitable, fireplace, fireworks and Bengal lights.

Cover a varied festive table. Relevant will be fresh vegetable salads, fruits on wooden dishes, cheese or cheese. In order not to offend the hostess of the year, refuse the lamb and consumption of strong alcohol above the measure. Choose meat dishes, which includes pork or bird, and in the head of the table, place wine or champagne.

New Year's table

Goat - Animal is very energetic and cheerful. Here and the outfit, select the elegant, out of the natural fabric. Color it should not be too bright and causing. As for the hairstyles, curls and curls look very cute.

Green dresses

An integral component of any holiday is gifts, and optionally expensive. The goat loves everything unusual. Funny, if the New Year gifts households will not be found under the Christmas tree, but under the table.

Forecasts for 2015 are diverse. The famous Wanga, for example, predicted the next light-intensive closer towards the end of the year and the global economic crisis. Astrologer P. Globa promises Russia prosperity and position of the world leader. Nostradamus from the Middle Ages suggested that it was in 2015 most of the land will be flooded, as a result of which the population of Russia and North America will significantly increase. True or not, we will find out very soon.

Predictions - Vangi-on-2015-year-for-Russia-Ukraine-USA-and-Crimea

The wise council - meet the new year fun, in a friendly company and with a smile on your face. Ahead of you awaits an interesting and favorable year.

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