How to spend the new year at home

How to spend the new year at home

Recently, people prefer to spend the New Year holidays are not noisy and with a scope, but on the contrary - in a warm home setting, in the family circle. This does not mean that the celebration will be boring and uninteresting. If you prepare in advance, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Even if you are going to celebrate the New Year alone, it does not mean that it does not need to be prepared. Be sure to decorate the New Year tree and rooms. Garlands, snowflakes, tinsel and rain mig sum up your spirits! Make your apartment fabulous. You can decorate it yourself or attach family members. On the door shots hang fir wreaths. Do not forget about the main symbol of the year. Put the animal figurine and back up with delicious delicacies.

Think out what exactly you want to see the New Year's Eve. Come up with an entertainment program. If the new year is celebrated by people of different generations, select the most optimal options. For example, games with dressing, various lotteries, guessing mysteries and Sharad, team games. Great "Phanti", "Twister" and "Celebrity Heads". You can organize a small home carnival. To do this, prepare the costumes in advance and define the roles of the participants. You can also organize a thematic party.

If you do not like to watch television programs, prepare your favorite movies or programs that create a New Year's atmosphere and lift the mood to all guests. Determine the sequence of their viewing. Do not forget about music - pick up a high-quality playlist. Turn into it dance tracks, as well as songs for the background and contests. Take into account age and personal preferences of guests. You can alternate the styles of musical compositions.

Do not try to cook a lot of large original dishes. As practice shows, a lot of food remains after the celebration of the New Year. Therefore, you should not exhaust yourself before the holiday. You may well limit the buffet and a variety of snacks - canapes, sandwiches, tartlets, vegetables, fruits, etc. Make an emphasis on the beautiful and original New Year serving. Believe me, it will be rated by guests much better than a traditional table with a huge number of food.

After the battle of the Kurats, go out into the street and take a walk. It will benefit all family members. If there is a lot of snow outside, take advantage of this and play the team game with snowballs. You can also capture sledges with you - find the ice slides and go down. A more mature generation can play with you or just breathe fresh frosty air.

If you have the opportunity, purchase salutes and fireworks. Run only certified pyrotechnics. Treat a place in advance for launch (away from houses, windows, balconies, etc.). You can also take advantage of Bengali lights, confetti and flaccias.

Take care in advance about gifts for each family member. Pack them into a beautiful gift paper with bright bows. On the night before the New Year, put them under the Christmas tree. You can prepare bags for each gift and hide them in different places of the apartment. In this case, the search for New Year's presents will turn into a bright game.

After graduating from the holiday, do not sit all day at home - sleep a few hours and go to the cinema, on the rink, water park, etc. In the theaters, a fabulous New Year's plays will be set, for example, "Nutcracker". You can just get out on the street a few hours. Make the beginning of the new year bright!

The most important thing is a good attitude and a desire to make a holiday bright. Even if something goes wrong, try not to be nervous. If you are calm and cheerful, you can quickly correct the situation and find a worthy alternative.

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