Snacks for the New Year: Light New Year Photos Recipes

Snacks for the New Year: Light New Year Photos Recipes

Preparation for New Year holidays begins long before the onset of this very warm and family holiday. Every new year I want to start with new and interesting dishes on the table, but from the fact that the table is filled with a huge amount of salads and dishes, it is hard to try everything. Light snacks, which will not only decorate your festive table, but will give piquancy in the evening.

The most popular snack for any holiday is canape. You can, of course, decompose all familiar fish or salty assorted, but as elegantly it will look like a canape. For this it is necessary to purchase special plastic sticks for canapes in the store or use ordinary toothpicks instead. Depending on what is in your refrigerator, you can enable your fantasy and create an original snack. Salted cucumber, boiled potatoes, greens and pickled mushrooms will be perfectly combined; Hedgehog, onion ring and Borodinsky bread.

An excellent and very convenient way to present a snack - on potato chips, such as Pricles. Prepare some interesting salad, it is desirable if the ingredients will not give juice to not twist the chips. It combines well with the chips of the crab salad, which consists of finely sliced \u200b\u200bcrab sticks, grated on the grater of boiled egg, boiled rice, canned corn (all this is mixed with mayonnaise). The finished salad with a tablespoon lay out on chipsein and lay out on the dish.

Another kind of snack - tartlets. If there is a special form in the form of "baskets", then they can be prepared from salt sand dough. But you can surprise guests with raw tartlets. To do this, rub the hard cheese on the grater and add a little potato starch. The resulting mixture distribute on a preheated pan as a thin cake, and as soon as the mass is melted, quickly with a blade remove the cheese pancake and put on any glass. In a matter of seconds, your damn will take the shape of a glass and hardens, forming a basket. This cheese tartleto can be filled with any salad prepared in advance.

Do not forget about sweet! On New Year's Eve salty snacks and dishes are always abundant, but they remember the sweets at the very last moment. Therefore, if the sweets in the form of a snack will be present among the New Year's dishes, they will definitely find their lovers long before the end of the evening. You can build sweet "kebabs" as sweet snacks. This will require wooden spanks and any New Year fruits that can be driven on these skewers. As an exclusive, you can sprinkle these ships with a chocolate chip or to pour hot chocolate.

In order to cover the beautiful New Year's table, you do not need to buy the most expensive products. Even the simplest help to look at them in a completely different look, if you put more inlets and fantasies in your dishes. Experiment - and then your New Year's table will remember everyone for a long time.

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