How to decorate the table for the new year

How to decorate the table for the new year

Virtually every new year the question arises: "How to serve the table to and looked great, and good luck to all the signs." Variations on this account are quite a lot, and the universal recipe is simply not. But most importantly, without which it will not be desirable, - your serving should like the whole family. We will offer several ideas that are suitable regardless of the symbols of the year and the other example.

The combinations of bright and rich tones will make your table just luxurious! To do this, usually choose red with gold and / or silver, a little less often with white tones. For example, a red tablecloth, red napkins, but golden candles, glasses with elements of gold or silver in the picture will give the holiday a special feeling of celebration and greatness. It looks great, a table served with a red tablecloth, on which perfectly white dishes. For decoration, use a wreath of fir branches, decorated with balls, put on the plates of napkins, rolled up with a Christmas tree or cone, a bow or in the form of candy, tie on forks bates from tapes.

But not all family members can like screaming red tones. If your family is from their number, in this case you will probably come to the soul of a combination of saturated green with gold or dark blue with silver. The dark tone should be the basis, that is, in such a color it must be selected to the tablecloth. As for the rest of the colors, they can be photographed in candles, dishes, toys that you put on the table, or even in dishes (for this use the foodflow that is easy to find even on the market). You can use and light colors that will be delicate, but may not transmit all beauty in the photos, especially if you are not a professional photographer.

Candles - a separate element, without which it is already difficult to submit a serving of the New Year's table. They create a special atmosphere of heat and comfort, filling the room with mild light. You can purchase both ordinary thick candles that are simply put on a table or dish and high, thin, for which the candlestick will need. Watch that there are no flammable items next to them! As for the arrangement, it is not fundamental, it all depends on your mood and fantasy. Do not forget that with all the attractiveness of the candle ideas have one feature - drip paraffin. Provide this by placing a napkin or a plate. Little candles, so-called "tablets", you can place in glasses or glasses, and put coffee beans and fir branches on the bottom. The aroma in the room will be just awesome!

Think over the entire menu that will be on the table, and on this, select the dishes and cutlery. So that the devices are not simply lay on the table, they can be put on the plates, at the same time there are beautiful napkins or small towels under them, which in the future guests will put on her knees.

Figures with the symbols of the approaching year or simply the characteristics of the holiday will become a great supplement of serving. Such small details and mood will raise, and good will attract. And to add the design ease, spread neatly long beads or tinsel between plates.

The original you decorate the dishes, the more pleasant will look at them during the holiday. For example, we are familiar with the "Herring under the fur coat" you can make a fall in the form of fish, Olivier decorate a snowman from eggs, fish, if you cook it, apply on the carpet from the dill and other greenery, sprinkled with rowan or cranberry berries.

Table setting has the most direct attitude to the holiday. It also depends on it, because most of the time guests will eat the existence and raise toast. Include your fantasy - and your decor will become the best, magic, such that will surely attract well-being in the house, the host animal is thoroughbred.

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