When apple saved?

When apple saved?

The Great Holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the people, many know how apple saved. It is celebrated on August 19, when the harvest of apples begin in the gardens. On this day, Christians carry freshly collected fruits into the church, honey and bread spikes to thank God for the harvest and consecrate the origins of him.

history of the holiday

On this day, the whole Christian people remember the great event, which happened more than 2000 years ago. About it describe almost all evangelicals on the pages of the New Testament. Jesus Christ, taking three students with his three students, ascended by Mount Favor. 6 days before that, in his preaching about the kingdom, the Teacher told his disciples that there are among them those who still see the power of the kingdom of God.

And so climbed on Mount Christ, the knees stopped, the students at that time smored sleep. But suddenly an unusual phenomenon occurred, which woke up followers of Christ. Jesus completely transformed, his face began to shine like the sun, and the clothes seemed to be white. Two Prophet appeared before him: Ilya and Moses. They spoke about the event that should happen soon, that is, about the death of the Savior.

The apostle Peter, amazed seen and heard, offered Christ to make three tents for him, Moses and Ilya. But here the cloud from the sky appeared and the voice of God, who verbal, was heard, that this is the son of my beloved and you need to listen. This event, Jesus opened before students a little curtain of the kingdom of God and his greatness. When the teacher was returned back to the city forbade his followers to tell someone about what he saw.

When did you start to celebrate apple saved?

The exact date of the Transfiguration of the Lord is unknown, some religious scientists claim that it was 40 days before the crucifixion. And on August 19, it is customary to be celebrated, because on this day on Mount Favor, on the place where students saw the transfigured Savior, the temple was consecrated in honor of this event. He coincided with the holiday of a bunch, when the first fruits were brought to the church for donations.

Customs holiday

Like a long millennia ago, people carried the temple of the harvest, and now on the holiday of transfiguration, the whole Christian people in a hurry to church with full fruit baskets. At this time, the gardens in the abundance of apples are sleeping and most of all, they carry them to the church to consecrate, from this and the name apple Savior occurred.

Such a tradition of offering to the temple of the first fruit occurred from the old Testament and symbolizes the desire of people to give God all the best and thank him for a generous harvest. The priests on this day are dressed in silver-white vestments, symbolizing the radiance on the Favor, delighted on the day of transformation. During the service, chants are chanting, about events that occurred on the mountain, and at the end of the priest makes the sanctification of the brought fruits.

It was not recommended that women were not recommended to eat apples, because our ancestors believed that they could take on the sin of Eva. But after visiting the Church, these fruits and many dishes from them were the main on the festive table. They gave birth to relatives and acquaintances, and especially small kids. There is a belief that apples on this day have a magical force and help in implementing the most cherished desires.

Apple Savior was also a symbol of the transition of summer in autumn and before that day they tried to collect wheat harvest and medicinal herbs. Youth on the holiday sang and having fun, and the hostesses tried to give in need of needing, as it was believed that someone would be a generous on that day, that relatives would not need a relative.

The unmarried girl on this day, with the help of apples, tried to guess their fate. If you managed to cut the girl from the apple with a whole ribbon, it means next year she will meet his narrowed, if not, then to walk another year unmarried. Lucky also tried to find out the name of the future husband, throwing apple peel, cut with a ribbon with her left, over his shoulder and watching the initial pattern in the resulting pattern.

There is somewhat adopted by the holiday-related transformation:

  • What will happen on the apple sax - dry or wet, the same expected autumn.
  • The day was clear and sunny - winter will be cold.
  • He came the second saved, it's time to suck winter.

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