Holy Trinity Holiday - What does it mean?

Holy Trinity Holiday - What does it mean?

The glorious holiday of the Holy Trinity notes every believer Christian. But, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the essence of the greatest event that happened on this day. God opened his third personality to people, sent to the Earth of the Holy Spirit.

1)Saint  Trinity –  meaning

The triune essence of God often leads people to misunderstanding. Many ask questions like this God can be triune, have three faces? In fact, the Holy Trinity is Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. God Father created our world and everything that is in it: people, animals, birds, sea and oceans, mountains and forests, every living creature. Since the beginning of the existence, people knew that God was, believed in him, prayed and bowed. They also knew that the Son of God should come to the world to save all people from their sins. All the prophets foreshadowed this and waited for this day with reverence.

It is time, and the second personality of the Holy Trinity came to the world - the Son of God. He lived on earth among ordinary people, taught them, instructed and healed, and later he died for the sins of all mankind. However, the third day was resurrected and presented to people hope for eternal life. After fifty days after Risen Jesus Christ came to the Earth, the Holy Spirit - the third personality of the Holy Trinity.

2)Developmentswhat happened  v  day  Saint  Trinity

The Descent of the Holy Spirit occurred on the 50th day after the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection. From this holiday has another name - Pentecost. On that day, the Jewish holiday of the first harvest was held, which was celebrated with a special joy.

Pupils of Jesus, as well as his mother Mary gathered in the Zion Gornice. The apostles knew that the Holy Spirit had to go on them and prepared for this event. Their teacher is still on Earth, promised that he ends up his father, to send them another comforter, who would be over with them. As Jesus said, he will not only be a comforter, but also reminds all the words of Christ, he will teach everything.

And in the third hour of the day, all those present heard noise, as if from a strong wind, which filled the entire room. The Gorny district was performed by the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages \u200b\u200bthat did not know before. And over the heads of each of them there were fiery languages \u200b\u200bas a sign that he can consecrate and clean.

On the occasion of the celebration of the first harvest in Jerusalem, many people gathered. All Jews living in different countries, observing traditions, went to Jerusalem. Located near the town, where the apostles gathered, heard outgoing noise. Hurrying there, they saw and heard the disciples of Christ prayed in other languages. Many did not understand what was happening and thought that they were drunk. Hearing the judgments of the audience, the apostle Peter stood up and announced to everyone that now the event was happening, which many prophets foreshadowed - the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Most of the apostle speakers have believed and began to ask what they do to escape. In response, Peter offered to repent of his sins and take baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Seeing the great miracle of the descent on the followers of Christ the Holy Spirit, the people began to repent and on that day, baptism took almost three thousand people. On the feast of Pentecost, the Church of Christ organized, which under the influence of the Holy Spirit grew every day.

3)Trinity –  rituals  and  traditions

The main tradition on the feast of the Holy Trinity is to visit the temple with the whole family. The whole Orthodox people go to the church to pray to God and thank the Holy Spirit for the comforter.

On the eve of the hosts are cleaned in homes and decorate them with branches, flowers and grass. Birch twigs are considered the main decoration as a symbol of purity and impossibility.

By century observations people available and several vick related with data holiday:

  • Medical grass, collected on Trinity have special strength and able cure anyone disease.
  • All trifle v this day putted give out beggar, togo who shake, fall back nedug.
  • Frost after Trinity already not will, begins warm days.
  • If v day Pentecost will go rain costs expect good harvest mushrooms.

Also there was believe, what righteous human v this holiday maybe find klad.


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