Orthodox calendar for 2018

Orthodox calendar for 2018

A person who believes and enthusiastic religion needs to know the iconic dates of the holidays of the Orthodox Church and the ways for which they have long been marked. All rites will see and learn in the church in the ministry during the holiday, do not be afraid of the fact that you do not know much about the upcoming celebration, because the religion is open to all. The main dates of posts and methods of their observance are no less important for a pious person. Remember the most important dates from this article.

Winter Orthodox Calendar for 2018


Main dates:

  • January 7 - Christmas of Christ.
  • January 14 - circumcision of the Lord in the flesh.
  • January 19 - Holy Epiphany. Epiphany.

On the Christmas Eve, it is customary to refuse food to the first star, it is kinda, a small post. Do not forget that on January 19, it is necessary to illuminate water in the church.


Main dates:

  • February 15 - Creation of the Lord.
  • from February 19 to April 7 - the Great Post (48 days).

To fast to be done throughout Martha, refusing meat, food oily, sweet, salty. The post involves many prohibitions, to find out which you can directly in the church during the beginning of the ministry of February 19th.

Spring Orthodox Calendar for 2018


Main dates:

  • April 1 - Palm Sunday.
  • April 7 - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.
  • April 8 - Orthodox Easter

After the end of the post, your diet will gradually return to the norm, and already seventh of April, on the day of his end, holy Saturday will come. With the beginning of Easter ministry, already forty days will last, do not forget this day to greet people with the words "Christ Risen", and answer them "truly resurrected."


  • May 17 - Ascension of the Lord.
  • May 27 - Day of the Holy Trinity. Pentecost.

The ascension of the Lord falls on the last day of the ministry of Easter, the ladies are very often baked on this day.

Summer Orthodox calendar for 2018


June marked Petrov post from 4 June to 11 July. It will last as much as 38 days. Any holidays in the post are not allowed.


Main dates:

  • July 7 - The Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • July 12 - St. Peter and St. Paul.

These days, according to church centers carry the relics of Saint John the Baptist, or rather the most important part - the head.


Main dates:

  • August 19 - The Transfiguration of Christ.
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Dormition Fast - from 14 August to 27 August. The post will be 14 days.

Please note that on August nineteenth, according to legend, made apportion the poor apples. Usually on this day to help people in need, they spread the clothes, warm clothes and, most importantly, the food.

Autumn Orthodox calendar for 2018


Main dates:

  • 11 September - The Beheading of St. John the Baptist.
  • September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.
  • September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross.

All holidays in September are meatless, they forbidden to eat any food until night.

In the remaining months remains only the date of the Holy Virgin - 14 October. This is a memorable date in Russia, the wedding season begins with it.

Already November 28 Advent begins on January 6, which will be 39 days. Throughout December the service will take place in the Orthodox Church, which should come at least every Sunday.

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