For an Orthodox Christian, a native cross is a symbol of love and approaching to God, faith in Jesus Christ. And, of course, a deep understanding of the sacrifice of Jesus, reminders of the atonement of sins of all mankind.
The parishioners of the church are a native cross in order to feel the presence of God in his heart, and in heavy moments not lose any hope for a person. It is important to understand that the cross is not an element of clothing, it is also not a magic subject (amulet, mascot) and not decoration for the body.
Variety of materials for cross
Materials from which crosses are made: wood, iron, silver, gold, copper. The latter on the list of silver and gold are preferred more often, due to their durability with sock and jewelry.
How to wear a cross
- The cross can be worn on the chain and on a simple rope, ribbon or leather shoelace. The main thing is that he firmly holds and not lost.
- The product should be eight-pointed (or depicting the eight-pointed crucifixion), since it depicts a crucified Christ.
- Orthodox cross is worn under clothes, crucifying from the chest. Sometimes a small consecrated icon is added to the rope, also a bag with a lad far.
- It is impossible to combine the cross, for example, with other faith symbols that are not believed in the main Orthodox faith. It can be signs of zodiac, magic souvenirs, coins, runes, so on.
- Men's crosses are different from female enlarged size and simpler form. Female and children's cross are most often carved, decorated with a curly floral ornament.
Cutting crosses are not consecrated, on which there are a lot of incomplete decorations, stones, beads.
How to sanctify cross
It will not work independently to conduct a rite of consecration. Only the minister of the Church can commit this sacrament.
- First you need to contact the temple in which the rite of consecration will be held. If the father is not in place, you can always ask for its location from other church workers.
- The parishioner brings his cross, which must already be hanging on a solid rope or chain.
- Batyushka examines it for the presence of an image corresponding to the faith. Asks if the parishioner acquired a cross in a church shop, then the rite do not need. Such crosses are already pre-consecrated.
- After checking, the priest carb-backed with him, places it on a memorial table, which is available for simple parishioners. Special prayers are pronounced, the subject of baptism is three times sprinkling with holy water.
- While the father is not available for conversations, the parishioner can spend time with benefit, pronounce prayer in mind (or whisper). Ask for God's god.
- Next, already a sprinkled cross is put on the man who belongs to, sprinkles with holy water with a cross. A large Orthodox crucifixion is given to kiss the Book of Holy Scripture, blessing him.
If the crossed is lost
It happens that the cross is lost. If such a case happened, no need to panic, because the loss of the cross is not bound by mysticism. The church does not apply to any signs with approval! A new loved cross on the rope or chain is purchased. Such enough in church shops. It needs to be consecrated, like the previous one. The cross is impossible to wear the uninitiated patty, because it does not have a fertile strength and is considered a useless decoration.