How to confess

How to confess

The church brings to the soul of every believer sense of peace. Especially if you clean your soul before God during confession. Confession is a sacrament in which a person is in his sins, and the Most High forgives Rudgenyy through his servant - a priest. How to properly prepare for confession, so that in the church you instead of calmness did not feel awkwardness and not distracted by unnecessary questions.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the confession is supposed to walk from 7 years when the child goes from a baby into the rates. But you should not immediately keep your child for confession. It is necessary to come to repentance of your sins yourself. Therefore, do not press for the rapid children's psyche. Acquire a child to the Church with your example.

If for some reason you have long or never rummaged in our sins, but you already feel the sharp need for this, select the church where you would like to confess. The main thing you need to know are the days for which the sacrament is. Talk about it with the priest, tell us that I have not risen or never come to the sacrament at all. He will appoint you a "general" confession. The time of such confession will also determine the priest himself, as the sacrament can turn out long.

If your shower is restless and you feel the need to communicate with God, confession in front of him in our sins, think and outline your pre-sakers on paper. Confession is an informal listing of your deviations from the commandments of God, but if you have not been confessed for a long time, you must remember everything. Do not write onto the sheet and do not tell the priest of shifting stories about scandals with neighbors close. Repentance in sins is the recognition of your guilt, and not justifying your behavior. The scandalies, it means, desired evil to their neighbor, fought. Remembering and realizing their sins, focus on the 10 commandments of God. Be the first to put the most difficult sins in the list - the murder (abortion church also equates to deprivation of life), bloodstand, fornication.

A few days before the confession, read the religious literature, which will help you to remember you about your pregresses and set up a soul to repentance. There are no special prayers before repentance. Read in front of the icons "Our Father", "Rejoice, Maria, Glory", Psalm 51 (50). You can simply simply ask for forgiveness for sinning before icons.

At least 3 days before the sacrament, follow the post. Be moderate in food, do not eat animal food. Try not to participate in the entertainment, noisy companies. Refuse alcohol. Put the soul and body of spiritual food and get ready for repentance.

Clothing for a hike to church should not be causing. For men - pants or jeans, a shirt with a long or short sleeve and closed shoes. For women - skirt below the knees, closed shoulders and a handkerchief. If suddenly you forgot that the church needs to be attended in the skirt or length of your knees, then it's better to dress the trousers, and above the big handkerchief. In some churches, the entrance to the temple has several long skirts, but it is better about clothes to take care in advance.

It is impossible to be late to the beginning of the confession, as the sacrament begins with reading the chinusement, in which everyone must participate to participate. Hasting, feel free to the priest. He is just your mediator in a conversation with God. For a long time, the service is heard of many sins. Therefore, open your soul without constraint. If you are embarrassed or deliberately pulling out some sin, your confession will be even more larger.

There are cases when, after confession, some deviation from God's commandments can remember. Do not be afraid and do not hurry to become a queue again, it's your conscience begins to wake up and tells you your lawlessness. After the end of the confession in the church is read prayer for the forgiveness of forgotten sins. Spiritually prepare yourself for confession here.

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