The Great Post begins after the carnival and lasts 48 days. During this period, it is necessary to eat correctly, as well as focus on prayer and good intentions. The meaning of the post is that each standing has become a little better and revised its some actions.
During the post, you should be restrained, humble and calm. It is forbidden to think in a negative key, deceive, attend various parties and holidays, having fun, perform married duties and eat animal animal food. According to tradition, in such a way you can clean your consciousness and gain clarity of thought. Temporary abstinence from pleasures will make thinking about your lifestyle and change some habits. People will be able to fully meet Easter, feel its greatness and significance.
Each post begins with confession. Contact the temple and find out the dates for which you can talk with the priest alone. Prepare for confession, configure yourself to calm and sincerity. Tell me the father all that you have accumulated on your shower. He can refuse to you in the communion, but do not be mistaken ahead of time. Those well analyze your actions and try again in a few days. Read the Gospel and find out about the sufferings of Jesus Christ - this will allow you to get closer to God and give the strength at the time of fasting.
The first and last day of the post must be completely abandoned from food and drink only water. It is impossible to eat eggs, meat, fish, products from a dough, candy, lean oil, drink milk. It is forbidden to smoke and take alcohol - it is necessary to abandon any bad habits. Alternate meals: In odd days, consume thermally untreated products, in even - processed. On weekdays, limit the same portion of food, on weekends - two. On Palm Sunday, and during the Annunciation is allowed to eat fish, and in Lazarev Saturday - Icra.
In the period of abstinence, we care as much as possible products of plant origin - vegetables, cereals, pickles, nuts, fruits, mushrooms, etc. Use black and gray bread, kissels, juices, greens. Make various salads. It is allowed to water them with lemon juice and honey. On Saturday and Sunday, it is allowed to eat with vegetable oil, frying lean pancakes and pancakes.
People with weak health can adhere to the post based on their capabilities. These include children under 14, pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly, as well as people with various diseases and those who spend a lot of physical effort every day. The decision to comply with the post should be voluntary. If you endure the post too hard, consult with the priest. It will help determine your abstinence measure.
Remember that the post should not be perceived as a goal or to be in a burden. In the first case, you will teach your vanity, which is excluded during the post, and in the second - just begin to be angry. In more often, attend the church and pray, including relatives and acquaintances. Start and finish your prayer day. Every Sunday attend Liturgy. As the body cleansing and the soul, philosophical thoughts will begin to appear. This is due to the abandonment of "heavy" products and ignorant information, which we imposes a mass culture.
During the post there is a lot of cleansing. The fasting appeals to God, as a result of which he feels better. If you comply with all the rules of the Great Post, you will be much easier for both in physical and spiritual terms.