What you can eat in the post

What you can eat in the post

The post is an important and significant period for every Orthodox person. This is the time of spiritual cleansing and self-improvement. The post is a special rite whose purpose is repentance. Each post is an important period of time relating to church events and holidays. All Orthodox posts in connection with this are divided into one-day and multi-day. Their foundation is abstaining from food. However, there are many products that can be used during this period of time. What can I eat in the post?

First meal. This must be lean soups or borshs, which add potatoes, fried carrots and onions. You can add tomato paste or ketchup, which will make the taste of dishes softer and pleasant. Bulgarian pepper can be added to the soup and borscht. And for a variety, it is also recommended to use pea, mushroom and oxalous soups. They are not only nutritious, but also extremely tasty. It is permissible to add to soups rice, oatmeal, buckwheat or pearl cereal for a son.

Second dishes. The basic product for Orthodox believers at the time of the post is often potatoes from which you can prepare a wide variety of dishes. It can be fried potatoes or boiled with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, maps, etc. An excellent garnish to the main dish can be canned in tomato beans, corn or polka dot. In general, in the post you can use any vegetables, cereals cooked on the water. To the dish did not work tasteless, it is possible to add a spread or margarine. As for the fried mushrooms, they are quite acceptable. After all, this dish for its energy value and the quality can even compete with the meat.

For dessert, you can give preference to all sorts of fruit and fruit salads and mashed potatoes. Alternatively, you can bake apples or pumpkins. Furthermore, excellent taste has carrot-applesauce and dried fruits (apricots, dried bananas, raisins, prunes).

Beverages. Here the range of products is also great. You can use all sorts of compotes during the posts, sweets and frost. Do not also forget about various teas, juices and water.

An important rule that should be remembered during any post is to maintain the body with all the necessary nutrients. It is thanks to a balanced nutrition that will be able to cope with any physical and mental loads throughout the post.

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