How is the wedding

How is the wedding

Wedding is one of the church sacraments, which is likened to state marriage among believers and roots leaves for ancient times. In the current form, this rite was formed not so long ago, in the IX-X centuries in Byzantium. Then they were crowned mainly only noble people, and ordinary peasants and citizens managed only to the oral blessing of the bishop and common communion. The sacrament of marriage takes place in several stages.

4-5 days before the event of the bride and the bride must pass two preparatory rites. This is repentance and communion. The preparation for them includes a post from three to seven days, prayer during the liturgy, abstinence from noisy entertainment and festivities.

Parents of newlyweds or they themselves bring the following mandatory attributes to church:

  • Savior icons for the newlywed and icon of the Mother of God (Virgin) for the young.
  • Wedding rings. Traditionally, the groom was bought a golden decoration, which symbolizes the radiance of the Sun, and the bride was intended to be a silver ring as a moon, reflective solar shine.
  • Wedding candles with handkerchiefs. They represent the light that helps better know each other, see all the imperfections and flaws, take them and love even more or reject.
  • Snow-white Rushnyk or towel, on which you stand young.

As the godfare parents ride and send their gods in life and witnesses or guarantors help a young family. It must be experienced in family life people, Orthodox faith. They make entries in the church metric book, hold the crowns over the heads of the marriage.

The mystery of the wedding begins with the engagement after the Holy Liturgy. The groom with the bride await in the seal of the temple, while the priest would not give them to grace and will not give lit candles, and then introduce himself to the temple. Further, he trocked a cross sign over the young and put on him a ring, then the bride. After that, the pair again exchanged rings again, the famous trinity.

The next stage is the laying of crowns. Newlyweds become unacceptable in front of analog white towel and again confirm their free decision to combine marriage and lack of such a promise in the past to another person. Batyushka utters prayers to Jesus Christ and Triune God, asking them to bless the Union. Next, he baptizes the crown of the groom and gives him for a kiss the image of Christ the Savior, and then the bride, presenting her the image of the Blessed Mother. Finally, the priest on behalf of God blesses a couple three times and places the crowns on them. Prayers are read.

After the newlyweds bring wine. They make three small throat from one bowl, wife after her husband. The clergyman takes the right hands of the marriage and covers them with the Epitrochil, it puts his hand on top and leads them three times around the aalo. During this procession there is a tropar. At its end, the crowns are removed, and the bride and groom are combined with a chaste kiss.

Wedding-in Prague

The rite ends at the royal gate, where the newlyweds in turn kiss the icons of Christ and the Mother of God, and then the cross.

Wedding is a pure and chaste ceremony. She confirms true love, dedication and respect until death.

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