How to abide by the post before Easter

How to abide by the post before Easter

Lent before Easter for Christians - a cleansing of the spirit and the body. On the eve of the great feast of Easter is a long and hard Lent, which lasts 48 days, he has the most restrictive. How to comply with it, without harming your body, he does not know each. Let's see how to do it correctly.

Lent before Easter, where it came from

This year, Lent falls on the period of March 14 - April 30. It symbolizes the 40 days during which Jesus was in the desert before baptized. The Savior gave up the use of food and water, so he did not succumb to the temptation of the devil. Inheriting an example of the Savior, lay over the Great Easter fasting refuse meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.

How should I eat during Lent before Easter

  • The first day is Clean Monday (March 14). According to church canons in the Del person should completely give up eating.
  • Eat fish for the whole of Lent, you can double - April 7 Annunciation and April 24 - Palm Sunday.
  • April 23, Lazarus Saturday allowed the use of fish eggs.
  • Refuse of the meal should be completely on Good Friday, which falls on April 29.

In the remaining days of the diet should be followed:

  • on Mondays - dry food without heat treatment;
  • tuesday - dry and hot food without oil;
  • wednesdays - dry food without heat treatment;
  • thursday - dry and hot food without oil;
  • fridays - dry food without heat treatment.
  • saturday - dry and hot food with vegetable oil;
  • on Sundays - dry and hot food with vegetable oil.

During the dry meal allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, bread, drink only pure water. Eat foods should be only twice a day.
Such a diet is considered to be strict and is designed for priests, for ordinary laymen such standards can not be met, sufficient to give up animal foods.

We do not recommend fasting pregnant women, the sick and the elderly as well as children under 14 years.

Rules to be followed in the post before Easter

Every post is not only a rejection of food, in addition to the body to be cleansed spiritually, renouncing worldly pleasures. The following steps are required.

  • Confession. Confession during the Great Easter fasting is necessary at least once, it will contribute to the spiritual purification. After partaking of the sacrament.
  • Reading of the Gospel. Book of the Gospel is the source of wisdom, in the period of Great Lent Easter support believer.
  • Prayer. It is an integral part of Lent, when we talk about a spiritual cleansing. Should pray in the morning and evening.
  • A visit to the temple. In a post provided attend church on Sundays. It strengthens the spirit and helps to enlighten.
  • Refusal of entertainment. 48 days of fasting - is a time of repentance. Therefore, we must work on ourselves to avoid the temptations that occur at every step.

Canons of fasting before Easter Holy include not only food renunciation, this includes spiritual enlightenment, good deeds, working to strengthen the faith. Observing all religious canons 48 days of fasting before Easter, you clean the body and spirit. This period will be not just a diet, but a period of awareness, empathy and calm.

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