Why Easter is celebrated every year on different days

Why Easter is celebrated every year on different days

Question about annual change dates celebration Light Christ Sunday and missing this dates inter- different denominations specify many. For togo to answer on the his, need to little deeper v history.

Why Easter is celebrated every year in different days - why
shifted date Easter

V christian religion exists holidays, dates which annually come on the one and then same numberthey called stationary (for example, Christmas Christ). These holidays noted on adopted v countries Europe sunny calendar.

According to calendar ancient israelis, day Easter, connected sO death and sunday Jesus Christ, must celebrate with 14 on the 15 number first moon month Nisana (Aviva). This day have to on the new moon, following after offensive dates spring equinoxes. Relatively ordinary sunny calendar this date shifted, that's why Easter, a also related with that holiday Ascension Christ and Trinity (Pentecost), celebrate annually v different days and called movable holidays.

Way calculations dates Easter remains unchangedLight Sunday celebrated at offensive spring equinoxes (21 martha) v first sunday after new Moon. If new moon have to on the sunday, then Easter notes v following.

Why is Easter every year celebrated in different days - Julian
the calendar

Ancient israelis led countdown of time on moon calendar. Lunar year consisted from 12 months, containing alternately 29 or 30 days. Thus way, v year subsequently 354 day.

W. others peoples used solar the calendar. According to it cycle year consisted from 12 months on 30 days each. Each year additionally added on 5 days, then there is year equal 365 days. Difference between moon and sunny year massed 11 days.

That calculus required matching, that's why jews entered across everyone 23 of the year additional month, thirteenth on account (VeAdar). V 46 year roman emperor GEAR. Julia Caesar. was conducted reform, according to which v year accepted it was 365 days, a each fourth year366. This day added to february. Such the calendar got title Julian. V Orthodox churches before sih pore exists Julian soulustee, called old style.

Why Easter is celebrated every year in different days - Gregorian
the calendar

SO time revealed inaccuracy computing -  when on the calendar it was only 11 martha, actually poverty spring equinox, that must come on the 21 martha.

V 1582 year was adopted new Gregorian the calendar according to reform Roman Pope Gregory. XIII.. That soulustee accepted call new style. but v different countries new the calendar was introduced v other time. V Russia it happened only after Oktyabrskaya R. euromans v 1918 year.

Orthodox church performed against administration new style. D.o sih pore holidays Orthodox churches noted on Yuliansky calendar, a all rest Christian peace lives on Grigorian calendar. So v countries Western Europe Catholic Easter, a also other religious holidays celebrate always before, how v Russia, where prevailing Orthodoxy.

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