How to bury Muslims

How to bury Muslims

Muslims usually believe that good deeds who make a person in life give him the right to enter into paradise on the vessel's day. Many followers of Islam believe that the dead until the last day remain in their graves, experiencing peace in paradise or suffering in hell.

When death is inevitable

When Muslim feels the approach of death, his family members and very close friends should attend. They instill a dying hope and kindness, and also read "Shagadi," confirming that there is no other God except Allah. As soon as the closest died, those present must say: "True, we belong to Allah, and really we return to him." Presents should close the delayer of the eye and the lower jaw, bias the body with a clean cloth. They should also pronounce "Dua" ("Pasta) to Allah to ask for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. Relatives should hurry to repay all the debts of the dead man, even if it means that all their wealth will be exhausted.

How to bury Muslims - when to spend Muslim burial?

According to Islamic Sharia, the body must be buried as soon as possible since death, which means that funeral planning and training begins immediately. The local organization of the Islamic community helps when funeral and burial, coordinates their actions with the funeral bureau.

How to bury Muslims - organ donation

The donation of the organs is acceptable for Muslims. How does the doctrine of the Quran, "anyone who comes to revenue to one person saves the lives of all mankind." If questions arise regarding donation, close dead man consult with Imam (religious leader) or the Muslim funeral bureau.

How Muslims buried - autopsy

Ordinary autopsy is unacceptable in Islam, because they are considered as the desecration of the deceased body. In most cases, the family of the dead man may legally refuse to open the procedure.

How to bury Muslims - embalming

Balming and cosmetology are also not allowed if it does not require state or federal law. Due to the ban on embossing and urgency with which the body should be buried, it is not possible to transport the body from other countries.

How to bury Muslims - cremation

Muslim's body creaming is prohibited.

How to bury Muslims - body preparation

The preparation of the body of the dead man begins with ablution and loosening (cafan). The dead must be washed three times or an odd number of times. The procedure is performed by four people, and men necessarily wash men, and women are women. Usually, the ablution is performed in this order: to the right above, the upper left side, the lower right side, the lower left side. Women's hair wash and braid in three braids. After the washing procedure, the body is covered with Savan.

Envelop the body with three large white pieces of material laid on each other. Body body must be placed on top of sheets. Women put on sleeveless dresses up to treads, and heads cover. If possible, the left hand of the deceased lies on the chest, and the right side cover the left on top, as in the state of prayer. Slices of fabric should be wrapped around the body, and the case itself is fixed with ropes. One of them is fixed above your head, another bind the body, and the third passes under the legs.

Then the body for the memories move to the mosque ("Masdzhid"). Janaza Namaz (Panhid) must be carried out by all members of the community. Prayers are read in a special room or in the courtyard of the mosque. Praying turns to "Kibla", forming three lines: the close man's beds, then other men, children and the latest women.

How to bury Muslims - burial

After committing Janaza Namaz, the body of the deceased is carried in the cemetery. Traditionally, only men are present in the burial. The grave should be dug perpendicular to the kibla, and the body of the deceased is put on the right side, the face to Kibla. At the same time read the lines "Bismilllah Wa Ala Millati Rasulilllah". Then, the top layer and stones are placed on top to avoid direct body contact with soil, which will fill the grave. Then the grief throw three sickness of the soil. A small stone or marker is installed on the place of the filled grave. On the grave is prohibited to install a large monument.

How to bury Muslims - commemoration

After the funeral and burial, the nearest family of the deceased accepts visitors. The first three days are considered mourning and remember the deceased. As a rule, a mourning period can last up to 40 days, depending on the degree of religiosity of the family.

Widow must observe a longer period of mourning, four months and ten days. During this time, they are forbidden to communicate with people who can potentially enter into marriage (known as "Pa-mahram"). An exception can only be a doctor in emergency cases.

In Islam, it is acceptable to mourn during death and cry at the funeral. Nevertheless, strong crying and screaming, breaking clothes, express the absence of faith in Allah, so prohibited.

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