How morgue is decrypted

How morgue is decrypted

Surprisingly, very often we do not pay any attention to the meaning of words that pronounce. So, for example, pronouncing the word "morgue, we never think about whether it is an abbreviation or has its own value.

How to decipher the word morgue?

Unlike the registry office, the word "morgue" is not an abbreviation. This is a foreign word who came to our country from France (from the French Morgue - a person). The place of the exhibition of persons - the French are so called special branches where unknown corpses and ordinary people could consider and identify them. The corpses, as a rule, lay tickled on each other for several days. Citizens who were looking for their missing relatives or friends descended down the lantern in order to find the missing.

In Russia, in the XVII century such institutions were called borrow or God's home. In this institution very often drank the deceased dead without repentance or unknown. In many literary works of those years, the descriptions of the Bohedom, as the places where the corpses dumped, as if firewood in winter and only in the spring they were buried.

When to use the term "morgue"?

Already a long time ago, the term "morgue" came out of official terminology, but to this day it continues to be used, even if it is mistaken. Officially, morgue is divided into:

  • Patol-anatomical is a special compartment in the hospital used to determine the cause of death, diseases in corpses.
  • Forensic-medical - in this case, the use of the word morgue is correct. In the forensic morgue, as a rule, there are corpses who died for a violent death or in cases of suspicion of her, unknown deceaseders either in the case when close relatives of the deceased consider the cause of death a medical error.

As a rule, the morgue consists of a hall for inspection of corpses and auxiliary premises.

Work of Morga

All bodies in the morgue are stored at air temperature + 2 ° C in special chambers. Such a low temperature avoids the rapid rotation of the corpse.

After the body of the deceased entered the morgue, all the clothes and accessories are removed from it. Basically, the personal things of the deceased are sent to disposal. After that, there is a founded work of the pathologist - an autopsy and establishment of the cause of death.

After the examination, the body of the deceased is given to relatives for the burial. In the absence of loved ones, the body is cremated in the statutes established by the state.

Comments leave a comment
Dmitriy 03/28/2017 at 10:25

Morg - the location of the final registration of citizens

Sergei 11/02/2018 at 21:59

In Russian Morg - the place of final registration of citizens. nafig us french))))

Sergei 02/16/2018 at 23:42.

And you do not bother you, as in French, and in English, the morgue sounds the same, and the word is clearly from another language? And the final registration occurs or in the cemetery or in the crematorium. So, the version about the abbreviation collapses, just witty someone's friend.

Alex. 14/12/2019 at 12:10

Medical organization registration of citizens


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