How to choose a bike for a woman

How to choose a bike for a woman

The bike is a relatively young (official year of his "birth" 1817), but very popular. The variety of models and types of this vehicle allows you to choose an optimal bike, taking into account the anatomical features of the child, an adult man or a woman.

Can a woman move on the "men's" bike? Of course, yes. But will such a comfortable ride? Transport should be not only visually attractive, but also as comfortable as possible. The last characteristic will directly affect the frequency and efficiency of using the bike.

Choose a bike for a woman: model type

The first, where to start the study of the bike market, it is to decide on the appointment of your transport.

Mountain bike

If steep lifts and high-speed descents are an integral part of the route, take care of the purchase of special transport. The steering wheel is slightly higher than usual and has roughness for better fixation with hand. The seat is also installed above and under the tilt. Reliable and thick tires, heavy frame and several degrees of the brake system will make feel confident on any road. Do not forget about the mandatory presence of anterior depreciation fork.

Bike for the city

Models of this category are unpretentious in care, but allow the hostess to feel as comfortable in the conditions of the city. The horizontal frame of the frame is located as low as possible, which allows you to freely go in the skirt, regardless of the latter length. Large wheels, high landing and spring-loaded wide seat will give comfortable walks along the embankments, alleys of parks and urban streets. The models are equipped with trunk, wings, foot and hand brakes, there may be an additional basket for the smallest detail. Transport does not involve high-speed and extreme ride. Speed \u200b\u200boptions can be from 1 to 7 (more often than 3-7).


A subclass of models for riding in the city - cruises. Bicycles have a direct steering wheel, low frame, high weight and wide saddle with the ability to adjust vertical and horizontal. The minimum number of speeds is enough for unhurried trips around the city. There is protection for the chain, often there is a trunk.

Touring bike

If you are a fan of travel on your two-wheeled friend, then you should pose with the choice of appropriate transport. Models of this category are true all-terrain vessels intended for trips to the soil and moderate off-road. On them you will not develop too much speed, but this is compensated by resistant to overloads. Durable frame, the steering wheel is curved in the form of "Barani Horh". Bicycle wheels are wide, it is possible to install the trunk for the carriage of goods. Top brakes.


Road bike

Variation of the predecessor in the event of smooth roads - a highway bike. This is excellent vehicles to drive at high speeds. The bike is distinguished by the ease of construction, the most comfortable seat (preferably with gel inserts), narrow wheels, missing rear or front suspension. The steering wheel is curved, as in tourist models.

Folding bicycle

This type of transport is an indispensable Assistant Mobile Lady. Compact sizes and low weight allow you to freely move with a bike in the subway or a taxi. Models have a low frame and, often, 1 speed.

Choose a bike for a woman: design features

Anatomical differences between men and women influenced bicycle designs for these categories of people.

  • Frame. Its size is selected in accordance with the parameters of the future hostess. A low plank or not - the choice is based on individual preferences, as well as the purpose of transport (in the case of "classics", you can hardly go to the skirt). If the weight is important, then it is worth making a choice in favor of aluminum.
  • Steering wheel. Thin thin, narrow and long.
  • Saddle. The female seat has a wider back and shortened "nose".
  • Suspension. Models for women have softer suspensions. Such amortization allows you to take into account the small weight of the girls.
  • The weight. The design should be a maneuverable, stable, not too cumbersome.
  • Design and accessories. The diversity of bicycle design options will make it possible to choose the perfect thing for you transport. A set of accessories is standard (as for a male bicycle).

Choose a bike for a woman: Price

Of course, everyone understands that a high-quality product cannot cost cheap. If your budget is still limited, try to reduce costs by refusing unnecessary accessories and additional devices. In no case should not suffer from the technical execution of the bike. It is it that determines not only the life of the transport, but also safety and comfort ride.

Jacek Chabraszewski Best bicycles for girls Where to buy how much you stand, photo

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