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  • Skates
    Learning to quickly slow down on the skates is very important in the first weeks of training, in such a way you will reduce the likelihood of a collision with other people and ice rink side.
    03.03.2017 425 0
  • Skates
    Roller skating - fascinating leisure and useful sport, whose power was almost all from Mala to Velik.
    18.08.2016 528 0
  • Skates
    Skating skating for someone your favorite hobby or habitual lesson, others just dream of standing on the ice.
    20.02.2015 1566 0
  • Skates
    If you are a frequenter of the ice rink, probably repeatedly thought about the purchase of skates. With your own pair, you do not need to stand in line every time, shove the boot after a foreign person, please contact the unsuitable size or type of skates.
    23.12.2014 1016 0

