How to learn to brake ice skating

How to learn to brake ice skating

Learning to quickly slow down on the skates is very important in the first weeks of training, in such a way you will reduce the likelihood of a collision with other people and ice rink side. Be careful in the process and, if possible, put the knee pads, as you can lose the balance when braking. Below are methods for beginners and confidently standing on the skates of people.

How to learn to brake on skates newcomer

First you better do not resort to sharp methods of braking. Try to learn two options.

Brake Zigzag

Quickly stop moving in this way you will not work, however, this is the best way out for beginners.
When you need to slow down, start making the "snake" by the skates: first put the heels apart, and the socks together, then smoothly change the direction of the legs to the opposite, the heels together, and apart.
On Ice after you will remain a kind of snake, which is narrowed, it becomes wider.

Braking backdrop skate

This method is faster, but also more difficult. Do not take about it, if you still feel insecure yourself, either if your skates are bad bad.

When you are ready to slow down, move the entire weight of one foot and continue to go straight. Stop the second leg forward, resting the back of the skate in the ice. It turns out that you put the leg perpendicular to the earth and smoothly by it to the brand.

Please note that you need to stand at the lead. If you are left-hand, your leading leg is most likely left. It is easy to understand this - on this leg you feel more confident and maneuvering easier.

How to learn to slow down to skate experienced

When you are confident about the legs, you can quickly get involved and even perform a couple of tricks - it's time to learn new methods of braking.

Method "Police Circle"

In this way, you slow down quickly enough, but the learning process may be traumatic.
Put one leg a little on the sock right while moving, the second put on the edge of the blades and relax a little. Your second leg will start moving to the other side in which it pulls her twisting first.
From the outside it will look like a beautiful maneuver.

Sharp braking sideways

So hockey players brake. This is a sharp and spectacular way, but its minus is that it is impossible to make it on curly skates: you will be interfered with the teeth in front of the blade.

During rapid movement, expand both legs in the side and put them forward, at the same time reject your body to not fall. Do not be afraid to learn this braking, because any learning is not easy. The faster you are driving and the more you will put pressure on the blades, the sharper you stop.

This is exactly the method from which hockey players are flying ice fragments.

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