How to whistle with two fingers

How to whistle with two fingers

Do you need to urgently attract people's attention? The easiest way to do this is with a whistle, this skill is especially useful in an emergency. Set the technique of whistle with two fingers. They will definitely pay attention to a loud sound. To master this art, practice and do not forget about the hygiene of your hands.

Learning to whistle with two fingers - the first way

Wash your hands, because you will hold them in your mouth. With dirty hands, an infection can be brought into the body. For a whistle, choose any hand as you are comfortable. Further, your actions are as follows:

  • place the thumb from the index at about a distance of three millimeters. You can use other fingers;
  • put your fingers in your mouth, and close your lips above them. A stream of air will begin to go between the fingers. Place your fingers in the mouth opposite the lower teeth. The tongue is located on the other side;
  • press your fingers well and take a deep breath;
  • exhale through a kind of checkmark formed by your fingers. For the right direction of the air flow, use the tongue. Digger several times and you will begin to whistle.

Learning to whistle with two fingers - the method of the second

Turn the index finger with the large into the shape of an open ring. Put your fingers in your mouth on one phalanx and press them your lower lip. Cover your teeth with your lips, otherwise hissing will come out. Direct your fingers to the middle of the tongue. Put its tip to the lower sky. Get air and release sharply. First, hear hissing, experiment with the position of fingers and tongue.

There is another whistle method - insert the little finger in the mouth of both hands and connect them in the mouth. The thumb holds other fingers on the hands. The whistle process is similar to the above.

Learning to whistle with two fingers - possible mistakes

In the process of teaching a whistle, errors may occur:

  • one air is blown out, but there is no whistle. Train more often;
  • you make a sound similar to the noise of the idle motor. Change the location of the fingers in the mouth, experiment;
  • the whistle is weak. Your lips do not cover your fingers very tightly;
  • the air goes from all over the mouth. The tongue blocked the air gap, try not to push it back. Tighten your lips and squeeze them well.

If you have a sound similar to the one when the bottles blow on the neck - you are already close to the target. After long unsuccessful attempts, you will hear your loud whistle!

Useful tips

Be sure to set the correct setting in the mouth of the tongue. During the whistle, his tip, put it back so that he almost touches the lower sky and is in a centimeter from the teeth. This will control the air flow and the volume of the whistle. Move the tip of the tongue closer to the sky, and the sound of a whistle will come out higher.

The duration and volume of the whistle depends on the strength of air blowing out of the lungs. Remember the position of the fingers with the tongue in which you like the whistle, and try to repeat at every opportunity.

Do not worry if it does not come out immediately. It is difficult to master the technique of whistle. Train and everything will work out!

Comments leave a comment
ilya 04/12/2018 at 21:32

it doesn't quite work out, but I'm training


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