How to find out weight without weights

How to find out weight without weights

If you keep your weight under control - you have to get up on the scales daily. But sometimes they are not there or they broke, but weighing the weighing procedure. Do not despair, you can learn your weight without weights. Alternative weighing methods correct the situation.

We know the weight without weights - the measurement of the wrist and growth

Changing body weight immediately reflects on the limbs. Noticed that the watch strap would have to make another hole? Most likely you lose weight. Measure your growth centimeter. Maybe you know it. Knock the big and index finger of one hand wrist different. If your fingers are connected to the ring freely - you are an asthenic with a thin body. Learn in this case weight so:

  • calculate 10% of its growth. For example, an increase of 170 cm. The desired number will be 17;
  • take this number from the last two digits of growth indicator. Your result: 70-17 \u003d 53 kg. This is an approximate your weight.

If you can't catch your wrist with your fingers - you are a hyperstole. This is a man with a massive physique. Recognize the weight of another formula:

  • calculate 10% of the growth;
  • adjust this number to the last two digits of growth indicator. For example, an increase - 160 cm. 60 + 16 \u003d 76 kg. This is your weight.

There is another interesting way. Measure the wrist by a centimeter and the resulting number multiplied by four. The result will show your weight.

We know the weight without weights - minus five centimeters from the waist

Without weights, you will learn about your kilograms this method for sure. Measure your waist with a centimeter ribbon 2 cm above the navel. From the result obtained, take five, and the indicator will indicate on your weight.

We know the weight without weights by the law of Archimedes

To calculate the body weight by this method you will have to work hard. But the result will be the most accurate. The human body is 80% consists of water. It is believed that the density of the body is almost equal to the density of the liquid. Therefore, suppose that 1 kg is equal to 1 liter. The first way:

  • fill the bath with water;
  • climb and plunge into the water with your head;
  • make a margin on the bath level. Ask someone from relatives to do this, you will be inconvenient;
  • get out, take a liter jar and pour water into the bath until it reaches a mark. Consider how many cans pour.

And the weight is calculated simply: it will be equal to the number of liter cans poured into the bath. If 55 cans poured - such and weight.

The second way to calculate body weight use by the pool in the country area. Prepare a large plastic barrel so that you fit there. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • in the water filled with water, put a barrel;
  • climb into the barrel and mark the level of the level to which the container was plunged;
  • fill the barrel with water until it drops to the water to the marked mark. Take advantage of a liter bank and consider the amount of water poured.

The weight is equal to the number of liters poured into the barrel.

We know the weight without scales on the swing

This is a way no particularly accurate, but simple. Call two or three girlfriends to ride with you on the playground on a swing. But they should know exactly how much weigh. Without this, the method will not work. Sit down with each girlfriend in turn on the swing, on which they ride together. Whose side will translate - it's hard. But you also need to know at least approximately your weight.

All the above methods of peculiar "weighing" will help to learn about a weight of the body, with an accuracy of 1-3 kg. For daily weighing, buy scales. They will show the most accurate result.

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