Beer yeast for weight gain

Beer yeast for weight gain

Often talking about the problem of excess weight, but there is no less acute opposite situation. The shortage of mass is found in people with increased metabolism, disturbed by the hormonal background, often contributes to the characteristics of the body's constitution. Also, with intensive physical exertion, a set of muscle mass is desirable. Beer yeast help in solving this task. Prices vary greatly on this product, but, in general, the means is inexpensive.

Beer yeast are a bod with a unique composition. They contain a complex of essential amino acids acids, vitamins of groups B and D, valuable trace elements (potassium, phosphorus and magnesium). The weight gain occurs due to the regulation of metabolism, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also yeast beneficially affect hair growth, nails, strengthen the human immune system.

Beer yeast for weight gain is important to take correctly. Depending on the manufacturer, they drink from 1 to 3 tablets 3 times a day during meals. Abundantly drink water with a laid dose. During the day, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water. Be sure to track your diet, enrich it protein and carbohydrate food. It is recommended to include meat, eggs, pasta, buckwheat in the menu, rice. In order not to have an excessive set of mass, it is necessary to eat on day 4-6 times with small portions. Strengthened physical training are one of the responsible stages for a weight gain using beer yeast. It is better to combine the class of classes: aerobics, running, exercises in the gym.

Power training-for women

There is a special recipe for liquid yeast for weight gain. It will take 20 g of crackers, 50 g of yeast and 400 ml of water. They pour boiling water into a saucepan with crops, covered with a lid and insist 3 hours. The resulting mixture is filled. 45 g of beer yeast are added and put a saucepan on the stove. Heated to a temperature of 70 ° C, and then cooled to 25 ° C. The residues of yeast - 5 g. Clean the dishes in a warm place for 8 hours. Use a drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Before applying yeast, consult a doctor. They are not recommended to use for kidney diseases, gouty arthritis, caution should be shown during pregnancy, in the lactation period. Manufacturers on the package warn about the risk of allergic reactions.

Reviews on the use of beer yeast for weight gain contradictory. It is not worth considering that this means is a panacea from all the troubles. But when diet and regular workouts are observed, the gradual weight gain is provided.

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Julia 28/09/2015 at 19:59

She took the Yeast Evisient with sulfur, first of all took them to strengthen nails and hair, although the skin also became better. But now the weight has not changed. Although I thought it would be in parallel, because I do in the gym ..

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