The lack of vitamins leads to serious health violations. It is quite realistic to determine the shortage of certain trace elements with the help of attentive observation and its own body. Literally every part of the body is able to "say" about his problems, the main thing is to learn how to understand them correctly. There are several basic signs that hint at the shortage of vitamins.
It rarely happens so that the body needs some one vitamin. Most often it lacks the complex of important substances. Not rare and seasonal avitaminosis arising suddenly. Diagnose the lack of certain vitamins can be possible by the state of the organs.
What vitamins do not have enough organism for nails and hair
V most cases exactly nails and hair are bright indicators lack vitamins. Note attention, if nails acquired dim view, started often break and even to laugh, a hair lost shine – to you not grabs vitamins groups V, F. and iodine v organism. Cosmetology funds v dann case will be top useless. To you necessary use v food more seafood, season food iodized sOLYU. and each day four milk products. Sosame dropping out hair is talking o lack V, WITH, N.. Their can find v nutheh, liver and even beer yeast. Turn on v ration green vegetables, citrus and whole corn.
Insomnia - sign of lack of vitamins
That phenomenon how insomnia arises not only from strong nervous fatigue. Highly flame cause problems sO sleep – absence v organism V, N., a sosame calcium and potassium. These microelements can find v sheet green: sorrel, spinach, salad. Use more fruit: bananas, oranges, grapefruits.. Diverse ration seeds sunflower, bobami, melon. Each day use dairy products, fish, liver, eggs.
Cramps, muscle weakness - sign of lack of vitamins
Causes - a clear indicator of lack of vitamins B1 and B6. Vitamin data can be found in crude grains and beer yeast. Good to work muscles affects meat: pork and beef, liver, heart. Turn on the beans, potatoes, cereals and fish.
Nasal bleeding due to lack of vitamins
Bleeding from the nose is considered an alarming "bell" for anxiety. Most often, it speaks of a lack of vitamins C, P and K. To replenish the reserves of the necessary trace elements, eat citrus, currants, kiwi and rosehip - sources of vitamin C. Vitamin R is very much in citrus crust. Yogurt and fish fat full Vitamin K.
Pigment spots on the face and acne rash will tell about the lack of vitamins
Not rare such problems are eliminated by a cosmetology, but all reasons need to look much deeper, because the wrong intervention can leave unpleasant consequences. Most often, these problems are "screaming" about the lack of vitamins in and A. To enrich your body with the necessary trace elements, eat butter in food, a large number of vegetables, greens, dried fruits, raisins and beer yeast.
The diseases of the oral cavity and sick teeth due to the lack of twisted
First of all, you need to fill in the body a lack of vitamin D. Unpleasant smell of mouth testifies to the lack of vitamin B3. You can find it in fishing fat, egg yolk and butter. Try to eat a beef liver, cheese, soybeans, a variety of nuts and sunflower seeds.
Long healing of wounds and hematomas - sign of avitaminosis
It is safe to say that this phenomenon indicates a lack of vitamins C and R. These trace elements are in citrus and fresh vegetables: cabbage, pepper, tomatoes. Every day you need to force yourself to eat a crust of one orange or lemon.
Fresh noise in ears and regular dizziness
They say primarily about the lack of vitamin E and B3. Also, the body needs minerals: manganese and kalia. Try there are more lauts, greenery, fresh green vegetables, eggs, beets, bananas and citrus.
Get rid of problems associated with the shortage of trace elements, if you pay due attention to your body and do not ignore its needs. If you feel the inexplicable craving for certain products: bananas, milk, nuts - do not hinder and allow the body to be saturated with the necessary vitamins.
And in my body there was a strong lack of vitamin A. I drank several panels of Palmitate + added it to cream and balms. And immediately began to feel better, to hurt less, as well as the condition of the skin and hair was noticeably improved.
Catherine, and how much does this retinol need to take,? Are there any courses?
It is better to consult with a specialist so that you are prescribed a dosage and a reception course. Here everything is individually and the main thing is not to rearrange.
It is better to consult with a specialist so that you are prescribed a dosage and a reception course. Here everything is individually and the main thing is not to rearrange.
In the modern world, it is generally very important vitamins not to neglect. We now have all the great psychological, physical and mental "overgrighters". So before depression not far. I, therefore, on a regular basis, the multivitamine Evalar is present ... I order them in the online store, I order, so more convenient. Well, for sleep and nutrition and silent, it is the basis of the foundation. Ugh Ugh, like bad phenomena, I am not subject to ... I think it is precisely thanks to this)
If you start all the tests to donate, it is possible to ruin, because vitamins and minerals have a huge set and analyzes cost huge money. Here you just need a multivitamin set course to take to be confident that everything is enough. I chose the ice formula more than multivitamins. For women, this is the best option, because there are even extracts of those plants that are very important for us. And hormones are maintained in the norm just because of this.