How to find out which vitamins is missing

How to find out which vitamins is missing

The importance of the availability of vitamins and trace elements in our body is difficult to overestimate. Without them, there is no virtually any biological process, the normal metabolism is impossible. Their deficiency leads to a decrease in working capacity, rapid fatigue, various violations and malfunctions, provokes the development of various pathologies. Hypovitaminosis is more common in the offseason. However, the overabundance of vitamins is no less dangerous, therefore, before their use, determine whether your body really needs it in them. Consider how you can do it.

It should be noted that adolescents, pregnant, elderly people, as well as suffering from chronic diseases, which are suffering from diet and have a non-corrugated working day are more prone to avitaminosis. If you enter this list, pay close attention to the balance of your nutrition. The necessary nutrients, including vitamins, we have to receive from food due to the fact that our body is not able to synthesize most of them. Do not get carried away by the use of ready-made multivitamine complexes, it is fraught with a surprise in one or another vitamin or mineral, better consult a therapist, which will write a recipe on a clinical picture and anamnesis.


The same doctor may assign analyzes for the determination of trace elements or vitamins in the blood, urine. This procedure you can go into the clinic, but only a few elements are often subject to definition. For the complex analysis or advanced (23 and 40 indicators, respectively), please contact a non-state medical center or laboratory. Keep in mind that it is not suiced, but you will definitely know about the state of your bodies, the presence of different violations and inflammatory processes, the deficit of what substances is to fill. An even more detailed information on the state of your health and quantitative indicators of vitamins and trace elements, when you pass the plasma-spectrometric (spectral) analysis of the elemental composition of the hair. An alternative may be an analysis of vitamins and microelements of nails. Remotely make it you can here.


If you don't have the opportunity or desire to resist laboratory research, just pay attention to the signals submitted by your body. For example, vain attempts to lose weight can talk about a lack of iodine, and constant eroching rashes are about zinc lack. With increased irritability and fatigue, phosphorus and vitamin d is needed, and when the hair and nails are increasing, muscle pain, tachycardia and calcium arrhythmias. Highly dry or pale skin signals a deficiency of retinol, nicotine acid, vitamin E, and yellowish - about the need for consumption B12. If there are no bruises for a long time, there are no bruises for a long time, you need vitamins C and P. With yellowed, poorly growing nails you need to consume ascorbic acid.


On the lack of vitamin B3, you will tell you an unpleasant smell of mouth, and about the deficiency of vitamin D - thinning of dental enamel. The frequent occurrence of barley, redness and eye inflammation can be associated with the need for vitamins B2 and A. When the dandruff appears, enrich its selenium diet, vitamins F, B12 and B6. Frequent constipation and insomnia provokes a shortage of vitamins of group B, and nasal bleeding - P, C, K. To the reasons of dizziness, you can take a lack of vitamins E, B and potassium with manganese. If your hair has become dim, brittle, began to fall out, eat products rich in vitamins of group B (especially inosite), E, \u200b\u200bC, A, H, F, folic acid, calcium. Frequent diarrhea may indicate the needs of the body in vitamin B3.


Try to eat full, then this question will no longer be relevant to you. And the advice to avid smokers - to replenish the useful substances destroyed due to intoxication, use more vegetable oil, citrus, bananas, marine fish and carrots.

Comments leave a comment
Nastya 16/03/2020 at 7:18.

Vitamins are extremely important. I do not understand how people can live without them. Well, probably, therefore, they often get sick ... I myself do not suffer at all. Thousands of Evalar multivitamin on a regular basis, heard regularly, a lot of fruit. I do not even remember when I was sick for the last time))


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