What is missing the body if I want bread

What is missing the body if I want bread

The taste of each person is individual - someone wants to be constantly sweet, someone cannot live the day without meat, someone must eat on the day at least one apple. Sometimes the habits change, and suddenly there is a desire to eat something one. What if you want to eat a piece of bread?

It turns out that each person has its own set of vitamins and trace elements. Depending on food behavior, the balance of useful substances in the body changes towards the "plus" or towards "minus". By the way, it is very rare that some substances are accumulated in the body, usually miss them. As soon as there is not enough a certain component, a person wants to eat something immediately, for example, a piece of chocolate or a slice of bread.

What is missing the body, there is a bread?

Nutritionists argue that if you sharply wanted to eat a piece of bread, this suggests that the body has decreased in the body. The body itself signals that it is time to fill the missing reserves and "asks" a piece of bread.

Why decreases nitrogen in the body? This happens because of the unbalanced nutrition and lack of vitamins. If you "sit" for a long time on a diet and limit yourself in many ways, the result will be obvious. The body himself will ask what he is missing. If lacking bread, that is, nitrogen, then you need to eat something protein. For example, handful of nuts, if there is no possibility to cook full lunch or dinner in the kitchen. If such an opportunity is available to cook something, treat yourself to a portion of legumes, make a fish on a couple or scold a piece of beef. You definitely need proteins!

In addition to these products, nitrogen is much and in such protein food as cottage cheese and eggs. Choose only fresh foods to be 100% confident in their quality.

What to do undesirable

If you hold the diet and do not want to break it, in no case cannot be continued to refuse useful products. Nitrogen shortage is fraught with serious consequences:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

The last item is no exception, because limiting yourself in food and depriving the body of the useful substances, so you can disrupt the metabolism and instead of resetting extra kilograms, they will start rapidly accumulate. Therefore, it is so important to replace several pieces of the daily rate of bread, when very and really want, on protein useful food.

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