What is missing in the body if you want chocolate

What is missing in the body if you want chocolate

Millions of people from time to time experience an irresistible desire to eat a few pieces of chocolate. Some prefer the bitter tiles with high content of cocoa, others prefer sweet dairy species or bars with various additives. But all share one thing - a craving for sweets, which is sometimes very difficult to handle. Let's see why this is so. What many do not even think that such symptoms - a persistent signals the body that it is not enough wholesome food.

Why want chocolate

The reasons can be many. But all of them can be divided into two groups:

  • psychological (stress, fatigue, pleasant memories, melancholy in bad weather);
  • physiological (hormonal disorders, magnesium deficiency).

In order to understand how it should solve the problem, try to determine which category your desire to eat sweet tiles.

Craving for chocolate. Main reasons


Advertising skillfully makes your brain to buy the things that he imposed. Remember, sometimes you do not even think about making a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate. And the screen flashed a bright movie with the image of sweet treats. It does not take a couple of minutes, as you go into the kitchen or the shop ... learn to control their impulses in such situations.

Fatigue, tension

In the period of intensive work the mind and body as a whole, spent a large amount of carbohydrates. To make up for the loss of the aid often comes to a chocolate bar, which quickly fills the brain with glucose, and gives strength and energy. The problem is that this situation does not last long. After a couple of hours of pleasant feelings will pass, and you will again feel overwhelmed. Question: Is it worth trying to fight fatigue with the help of sweets?

Women's side of the coin

Many women are more dependent on sweet than strong sex. What is the reason for such a difference? Usually women experience the desire to eat chocolate during hormonal bursts - during menstruation, during the period of Klimaks, etc. If you are hard to handle it yourself with a burden, consult with a specialist. The doctor will tell you how to adjust the work of the body and what can replace the delicacy.

What is harmful chocolate

In most tiles, except cocoa contain a large number of other additives, especially a lot of sugar. If you still allow you from time to time to eat a couple of chocolate lobs, choose tiles with the highest possible cocoa content. They are less than any different harmful components.
Do not abuse chocolate if you have heart problems or hypertension. Sweet tile can also negatively affect the condition of the teeth, increasing the risk of caries.

When I want chocolate

If you are unbearable, I want to eat a tile of chocolate, it speaks of magnesium shortage, which;

  • fights with insomnia;
  • improves mood, eliminates anxiety;
  • helps to overcome psychological and physical overload;
  • strengthens the bones and muscles;
  • promotes serotonin production - hormone good mood.

Doctors are not against the periodic use of high-quality chocolate in reasonable quantities. 1-2 pieces A couple of times a week will not harm the body.

But there are other ways to fill the lack of magnesium. In such periods, eat a small handful of nuts or seeds. Together with magnesium, the body will also receive proteins, carbohydrates and useful fats.
Prepare for lunch portion of fruit salad or dish based on legumes. These products will turn cravings to sweet, saturating blood with necessary vitamins, iron, potassium and zinc.

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Rita 08/09/2018 at 23:57

The lack of magnesium and iron causes failures in the work of the thyroid gland, then there is a failure of TSH horms, and such strange desires arise. At one time, I was advised to be treated, to accept Evalarov Endocrinol, and also check the level of iodine. Its oversupply also affects the thyroid.

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