Why do you want sweet

Why do you want sweet

Abuse sweet can cause a number of serious problems in the body. If it functions normally, it should not be dramatically to certain products. Therefore, all sweet toes need to deal with the reason for the sweet.

Psychologists claim that sweets strongly pull during stress and depression. Also, the dependence on the sweet may arise due to the uncertainty or lack of love and attention. Thus, the body is trying to fill the lack of energy and develop serotonin - hormone of happiness. Candy will raise the mood, but soon the body will require a new dosage of energy and serotonin. Every time you feel bad, do not hurry to run to the store for sweets - give preference to the spirits, a new accessory, etc. Just find things that can take you, besides sweet.

If you eat irregularly and make large intervals between meals, the body begins to suffer from a lack of carbohydrates. The same thing happens if you are sitting on a strict diet in which very few carbohydrates - the body is trying to fill them with the fastest and easiest way. To solve this problem, try to eat at the same time. Try to fill the lack of carbohydrate porridge porridge, bean, cereal bread, as well as vegetables and fruits. The thrust to sweet may occur due to poor-quality food when the body lacks the useful substances to work. Include vitamins in your diet (required chrome, calcium and magnesium). When you set the power mode, thoughts will return to the cake and less frequently.

In some cases, the craving for sweet is an ordinary habit. When you eat candy, the glucose level increases sharply, and insulin reduces it sharply. Such anger, the body regards as a danger, therefore corresponds to a sharp appetite. If you eat something sweet again, the process will be simply infinite, which will sooner or later lead to diabetes or a waste of excess weight. It is also important to know that sugar does not contain vitamin B, so when digesting the sweet it is pulled out of the reserves of the body. With a shortage of vitamin B, a signal arrives that increases appetite to fill its shortage. Think by yourself what will happen to the body if you eat sweet again. Control the number of utilities consumed per day.

If the sphere of your activity is related to mental or physical labor, the body absorbs carbohydrates with a double strength. To keep working capacity and continue to work, feeding is necessary. If you eat sweet, it is certainly charged with energy, but not long. The body will quickly absorb energy and require additives. Therefore, it is more expedient to fill the energy reserve by bread, bean or potatoes. If you train in the gym, eat something useful a few hours before training (vegetables, fruits, porridge, etc.) - the thrust to sweet will pass.

Also sweet can want on certain days of the menstruation cycle. The fact is that during menstruation in women, the level of estrogen drops sharply. It entails a decrease in serotonin production. Therefore, some women in these days become irritable, and they often change the mood. Such behavior is observed during pregnancy. In this case, you just need to suffer and try to take thoughts by other affairs. From time to time you can eat a little sweet, but it is important to control yourself and not to overdo it. Black chocolate is the least harmless.

If you want to reduce the number of sweets consumed - do not hold them at home. When you strongly want sweet, try to distract to some lesson - you will completely forget about the desire to eat a cake.

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Zose 05/08/2018 at 16:52

I think a couple of pieces of chocolate to think better help, but I began to grow. Now I drink the Evalarovsky Thean, and I had to refuse the sweet. I am a worker of mental work, it is very important for me that the brain worked without failures.

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