What is lacking in the body, if you want sweet

What is lacking in the body, if you want sweet

The human body needs regular food intake. And it is important that it was varied, tasty and healthy, rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

At moderate emotional and physical stress you will easily comply with diet. However, sometimes there are moments when you feel a huge craving for sweet. What are the possible causes and what is missing your body?

Want sweet - cloudy weather causes a lack of tryptophan

Have you noticed that a few days without the sun affect you depressing? A hand and reaches for sweet tea.

Scientists have proven the visual absence of sunlight triggers tryptophan deficiency.

Replenish its reserves is not better or chocolate cake, and a handful of raisins, grapes, fruit.

Want sweet - premenstrual syndrome or menopause

At this time, the female body extends reorganization of nervous and hormonal systems, which is fraught with changes tastes.

Medical opinion indicates that the decrease amounts of chromium favor cause cravings for sweets.

You should correctly understand your body and give it either:
  • pharmaceutical preparations containing chromium;
  • eat fish, cheese, liver, spinach, broccoli, grape seed;
  • indulge themselves a pair of dice or a favorite chocolate candy.

Want sweet - resentment, strife and stress deplete the body

Especially those affecting women, because they are so vulnerable and acutely experiencing emotional swings.

The role of the victim, the victim in a quarrel gives green light to compensate for the needs of self-esteem jam offense sweets. This happens unconsciously, as our body originally programmed only to restore, rather than destruction.

If you can be satisfied with a couple of squares of chocolate, to sound the alarm early. But when in the course are the whole tiles - this is a signal of serious psychological and hormonal disorders.

Outputs will include:

  • hike to a psychologist;
  • conversations for souls with girlfriends;
  • reception and examination at the endocrinologist;
  • visiting the temple and confession;
  • classes on self-development;
  • listening to the Vedic lectures of practitioners and psychologists with their subsequent use in practice.

I want sweet - pregnancy

All women have the first weeks of pregnancy pass differently. But the total for all is a sudden thrust for specific products or tastes. And the sweet among them takes not the last place.

Buy a test in the pharmacy or sign up for a reception to the gynecologist to arrange all the points above "and".

And the burning desire of sweets is quenched by the handful of nuts or seeds, fruit salad or juice, boiled beans, beans.

I want sweet - the presence of parasites

They love to eat only tasty and sweet. Having selected from your body this, they provoke an increase in appetite on sweets, which negatively affects your health.

Therefore, it is not enough for you to have regular cleansing procedures. So that all helminths and them like parasites are expelled from all organs and systems.

For example, drink courses monastic antiparasitarian tea. The main thing is to come carefully at the choice of the place of purchase, since there are many fake products on the market.

I want sweet - excessive wiping work

This is when you were so fascinated by the thing that they completely forgot about lunch and even dinner. Returned home late and sat down at the table buns to indulge. After all, the body is not iron, the energy spent a lot, and the fastest way to fill it is to bite sweets. And this is not at all fruit, but chocolate, candy, cakes.

Exit - to work out the habit of strictly observe the day and nutrition mode.

I want sweet - depression and loneliness

If you look deeper, then sweet taste has happiness, love, good warm relationships between people.

When this in your life is too little or no, your subconscious will tell you the exit - eating sweets.

However, the world is amazing, magical and full of love and harmony. Take the first step towards him to meet and he will answer you even greater warmth.

What can be done?

  • meet with girlfriends and female chat;
  • visit mom and sincerely talk to souls;
  • hope with an expensive person or with the fact that you feel support and accepting you.
Listen to the needs of your body and try to interpret them correctly. If the desire to eat sweet is repeated with enviable regularity, it is time to visit the doctors and pass the survey. Perhaps this is a symptom of a starting disease or a failure of one of the systems of your body.
Be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Alina 09/17/2019 at 13:24

All my life struggled with a craving for sweet. Then everything went to the endocrinologist and by passing the tests it turned out that I had broken glucose tolerance. Therefore, the sweets always want. Began to drink tea Olive, the weight dropped, the right thing passed on the food ... and the thrust somehow, unnoticed even for me, disappeared. So I advise with such a problem, first of all, consult a doctor to deal with the problems of the body.


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