How to clean the body of alcohol

How to clean the body of alcohol

Many know about the dangers of alcohol, but few people can give up a few holes of the alcohol on the holiday. Some people are hard to stay on two glasses, and after a certain time they understand that they strongly went over. In order for as soon as possible to put yourself in order, it is necessary to clean the body of alcohol.

There are many ways to remove alcohol from the body - the reception of absorbents, abundant drink, washing the stomach, water treatments, rest, special diet and medicines. You can use them in the complex or choose several options like. It all depends on the degree of alcohol intoxication. Consider each of the ways in more detail.

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Absorbents. Use activated carbon (1 tablet by 10 kg of weight 2 times a day). It will help to remove the hangmelist syndrome and bring toxic substances. You can also use such drugs as "polyfepan", "Enterosgel" or "Almagel". They reduce the level of ethyl alcohol in the body.

Abundant drink. Drink as much clean water, green tea and fresh juices. This will help bring alcohol faster. If you have the opportunity, brew herbal tea. Take the staff, Yarrow, the roots of Dyagil and Levzei, a chamber, St. John's wort, Toll and Juniper berries in equal proportions. These herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy. In general, it should be 2 tbsp. l. Herbs. Fill them in a liter of boiling water, let it brew and strain. You can drink this infusion instead of tea for 10 days. If there is an ascorbic acid or vitamins of C and E, be sure to accept them - they will help to remove intoxication.

If the amount of drunk was too large, it is necessary to wash the stomach to clean the blood from toxic substances. The victim should drink 5-6 glasses of warm boiled water (to each add 1 spoon of drinking soda) and try to cause a vomit reflex so that clean water began to get out of the stomach.

Water procedures. To give the body of cheerfulness, accept the contrasting souls. You can also take a bath with one or more aromatic oils. Toxins derived through the pores will take toxins. After the water procedure, ventilate the room. Oxygen deficiency aggravates the status of a hangover.

Recreation. If possible, try to relax. If you do not want to sleep, relax and read the book or look at the movie. If you feel confident, go for a walk. Easy physical exertion will help to get toxins faster.

Food. Eat light and low-fat food. A very effective means in the fight against a hangover and for the treatment of rugs is Fig. Water rice in the water and let him stand. Then prepare a liquid porridge and use it within 5 days for breakfast. The rice includes carbohydrates that perfectly purify the intestine from accumulated toxins. Be sure to include fiber (beans, grain or cereals) in your diet.

Medicines. If you have a bad headache, use the Glycine preparation. It will be able to neutralize the products of the decay of ethyl, including aldehyde, which is formed in the liver due to the admission of alcohol-containing beverages. Strong alcohol intoxication increases the load on the heart, so it is permissible to accept "Corvalol" or "Valokordin". If the state was too heavy, you need to contact the doctors. They will prescribe a complex of drugs that will help to quickly derive destructive substances from the body and restore the operation of all systems. In many cases, the doctors put a dropper with special substances that are introduced into the blood and accelerate cleansing.

In the case of a small hangover, alcohol will bring out the body naturally enough. With the help of the Soviets described above, you can significantly speed up this process. But if the alcohol intoxication is too strong, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance.

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Catherine 11/03/2018 at 22:37

Tell me how to be with alcoholic poisoning? The husband met with friends yesterday and so bad him, one hundred percent poisoned.

To answer
Lena Karrygina 12/03/2018 at 23:34

Yes, it looks like poisoning. You now need to constantly give to drink and will help the enterosgel very well, it will bring toxins from the body and the well-being of your halves will improve. Always do it, I know what I am writing about.

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Yana 08/12/2020 at 23:42.

To not clean the body, it is better not to drink at all. I still do not use alcohol for a long time, but the husband, on the contrary, start to use more, often and suffer from it.

To answer
Ilona 09/12/2020 at 13:43.

Yana, if the husband's hangover is strong and he suffers the next day, try mexidol to buy it. Headaches pass and well-being are much better if taking these pills. My straight about the reserve in the first-aid kit is holding this drug now.

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