How to remove the smell of alcohol

How to remove the smell of alcohol

The smell of the fumes will give a rapidly spent on the eve. This "aroma" is unpleasant not only by its owner, but also around. The body is actively getting rid of the poisons of alcohol (aldehydes) and manifests it a headache, the state of hangover and terrible overtime. After spending some simple events, it is possible to "sleep" someone else's smell of alcohol, but to completely get rid of the "exhaust" will succeed, forcing its metabolism to work accelerated, deriving alcohol and its pairs from the body.

The first thing to do is take a very hot shower. You misery the unpleasant smell of the body, and the high temperature of the water contributes to the opening of the pores on the skin and the fastest removal of the decay of alcohol.

The clothes that was at you during drinking alcohol is also soaked with the smell of alcohol, so do not wear it, but immediately send it to washing.

Eat more fluid - it will make the kidneys work more actively. Coffee and green tea with honey have a diuretic effect, mineral water will contribute to the improvement of the acid-alkaline balance in the alcohol poisoned by alcohol, herbs champs (dandelion, tolnaya, oats, sage) or fresh juice will facilitate your overall condition, milk enzymes naturally adsorbed from the body harmful Toxins, brine will take up and relieve headaches.

Good, dense, necessarily a nutritious breakfast will speed up the metabolic processes in the body and relieve the alcohol odor. The use of diuretic products (zucchini, watermelons, strawberries, strawberries) will contribute to the activation of the derivation of aldehyde.

Increase the aeration of the lungs. You can achieve this by making a small jog, walking or just, coming out on fresh air and making active deep breaths.

You can get rid of the smell of alcohol using coffee beans, carnations, nutmeg, laurel sheet or parsley root. Like any of the proposed funds. For a while, an unpleasant "fragrance" will not be heard to you nor others.

Rinse your mouth with a small amount of walnut butter, sunflower or flax. Crossing the oral mucous membrane, butter creates a thin film that will prevent the discharge of alcohol vapors.

The traditional medicine recommends a decoction that will restore the microflora of the oral cavity (fill 2 teaspoons of wormwood with boiling water and insist half an hour. Cooked in your mouth up to 6 times a day) and take tea from rosehip or mint, with the addition of honey that will put in order water Balance in the body and relieve the fume.

In no case do not try to score the smell of alcohol using chewing gum, garlic or bow. These funds are unreliable, they will be contrary to strengthen the alcohol "exhaust".

Of the medical methods of combating alcohol smell, such as activated coal (1TAillka per 10 kg of weight), Glycine tablets, Alcoklin and others are considered effective. Take any of the money once on the eve of drinking alcohol, and the second time after. So you can get rid of the fume faster.

Each of the proposed ways to get rid of alcohol smell is effective in its own way, but still the best way to exemption from the fume is considered to determine the norm of drunk and the distribution of time so that it is enough for a full-fledged vacation.

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Marina N. 21/05/2021 at 12:30

The smell will be maintained until the toxins are completely out of the body. Somewhere I read this, I can not say accurately, the truth is or not.

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Paul 25/05/22021 at 15:00

Yes, though, I also know it. Therefore, I always try to take an enterosgel on the hangover to remove toxins from the body, well-being improved significantly. Well, the smell, accordingly, also leaves.

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