How to remove alcohol from the body

How to remove alcohol from the body

Alcohol concentrates in the blood after a certain time. But what time it depends on each body, how fast the DISPUTM and the metabolic rate is working. Of course, ideally, it is better to remove alcohol at the stage of digestion until he fell into the blood.

After entering ethanol, the departments of the internal secretion begin to remove it in various ways - and through the skin, kidney and the urinary system, through the lungs and liver. Of course, you can try to eliminate alcohol until it gets into the liver, but 100% of the result does not guarantee, and the residual intoxication will be present, but you will be in a right mind.

We remove alcohol from the stomach

If you are confident that alcohol has not yet reached blood, then this method is for you. Drink 2 glasses of water and in the usual way to call a vomit. That is, if alcohol has not passed on the stomach, in a similar way you can easily solve the problem.

We derive alcohol from the intestine

Despite public opinion, activated carbon and other absorbators do not help eliminate ethanol, but despite this, they are well influenced by its toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to accept them. Also, as an additional method, you can use the enema to eliminate slags.

We derive alcohol sweating

  1. A good method and effective enough. You can drink hot tea with honey, for example, after that heins the warm blanket.
  2. A visit to the bath or sauna will help defeat alcohol. However, it must be remembered that this method is harmful to health, as it affects the heart.

We take alcohol with a contrasting shower

The benefits are that metabolism is accelerated, immunity increases. In addition, water penetrated into the pores of the skin, purifies it from the toxic effects of alcohol.

Fresh Alcohol Air

Fresh air. Air tide slightly cool helps to derive ethanol from the body, by saturating the body with oxygen.

Sport for cleaning from alcohol

Exercises and loads. From them you will sweat, and at the same time, as mentioned above, alcohol will go. It is recommended to drink more water in this case.

Take alcohol with a dropper

This method is suitable for people with alcohol addiction, at the stage of the feed. It allows you to clean the entire body. Usually, insulin, saline, glucose, special preparation by type of trisole, vitamins are dripping. A few hours and from ethanol there will be no trace. But it should be understood that such methods are perceived by the body as a shock, therefore applied in special cases.

We bring alcohol from the liver

The ability of the liver to skip alcohol is not big, therefore it should be displayed before he has time to get there. As soon as Ethanol falls into the liver, he will immediately begin to decompose on substances, poisonous organism - toxins and acetic acid.

A good way to cleanse the liver is oatmeal, acts as an absorption. Just prepare dairy oatmeal - it is not only tasty, but also useful for cleansing.

How to remove alcohol urgently

It happens that alcohol is still in the blood, and an important meeting on the nose. Only medicines will be helped here. Glavartgin or zerax help to bring alcohol faster, forcing the kidneys to work faster. Take medications strictly according to the instructions.

When you need to call a doctor

  1. If you have strong alcohol poisoning.
  2. If there are all the symptoms of white hot.
  3. With alcoholism.

Comments leave a comment
Anastasia 03/14/2016 at 0:53.

By the way, I did not know about oatmeal. It may not want to at all, but if it alcohol displays, then you can force yourself.

To answer
Marina Shevchenko 03/14/2016 at 23:45.

Anastasia, the Enterosgel is better to begin in this case, it is already a complete guarantee here, which will lead all harmful substances from the body. I always accept him, and I give her husband if we use alcohol. Without him no way)

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