How to withdraw a person from the feed

How to withdraw a person from the feed

Alcoholism is an eternal problem. And no matter how much medicine has progressed, but it can not prevent drunkenness and regions, only a person with strong moral implications can resist alcohol and drunkenness. If such a misfortune came to your house, then help the grief is an alcoholic in your power.

Very well, if drinking himself is aware of the situation in which he is, and wishes to get out of the binge. In this case, you can do treatment at home. The main thing in this business is cleaning the body from alcohol and toxins (formed decay products). First, it is necessary to flood the body. If the patient can drink, then give it a large amount of liquid: it can be mineral water without gas, tea with lemon, daughty of diuretic and streaming herbs, wild riser and others. The amount of liquid drunk is 2.5-3 liters per day.

In the case when the patient vomiting and it can neither drink nor there is an intravenous drip injection of solutions. That is, we call a doctor or an experienced nurse, go to the pharmacy for medicines. Now they are suitable for solutions of 200 grams of glucose 5% glucose with the addition of ascorbic acid, reosorbilact, refooliglukin and similar, not less than 5 bottles. In both situations, together with filling fluid, it is necessary to give diuretic drugs, in the first case it is possible in tablets, in the second - in the form of injections intramuscularly or intravenously.

For the speedy cleaning of the body, it is necessary to stimulate the liver work, help it clean the blood from toxins. The gilent herbs will also help here, the Esssentials helps very well, better in the form of injections, Glavartgin, Carsil, etc.

Food in the first day-two may not be needed (depends on the patient's condition). It would be nice to use low-fat kefir and light broths. And for the removal of toxins from the intestinal tract, drugs are given to the drug: activated carbon, attoxyl, smecta, enterosgel, and the like.

It is still necessary to ensure good, long sleep with the help of available sedative or sleeping pills. The more reclining the patient, the easier it will take the hangover and getting out of the binge.

If, along with a mop, the patient has hypertension (increased blood pressure), do not forget to provide it with hypotensive drugs. It can be a tablet with a slightly elevated dose for it or drugs in injections - magnesium sulfate, dibazole, papaverine, but-shp.

If headache is strongly expressed - you give aspirin, Panadol, Analgin; If nausea and vomiting is intramuscular administration of Cerukhala and spasmolitics; If you trembling, excitement and insomnia - spasmolytics, sedatives, sleeping pills and drugs; With pain in the heart - Valokordin, Corvalol, Corvalment, Validol.

Activated carbon

If a person who is in the feed is categorically turns out to be treated and the symptoms of intoxication are strongly expressed, the symptoms of intoxication are indomitable vomiting, convulsions, if there are intense heart pains (behind the sternum), then you have only one output - treatment in a specialized hospital with subsequent encoding .

The process of withdrawal from the feed can delay for several days. Try, no matter how difficult, surround the patient with concern and moral support, do not press him and do not blame it, because he realized his problem. And your reproaches can only aggravate the situation. "Laying flights" will spend when everything will be fine, discuss the situation and try to find a joint solution to the problem.

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