How to cure alcoholism

How to cure alcoholism

Alcoholism destroys not only the body, but also the psyche of a drinking person. In addition, his relatives suffer greatly, who also begin nervous disorders. The deepest misconception is that alcoholism is just a detrimental habit.

Most alcoholics do not recognize their illness, therefore refuse to be treated. It is very difficult to cure a drinking if he does not want it. If the patient is in the next stage of the serpent, try to withdraw it from this state. You can resort to the services of doctors or do it at home.

If the situation is launched, the patient must be placed in the hospital at the narcological department of the psychiatric hospital. In this case, it will be removed from the binge and will hold the necessary treatment. If you do not want to resort to the services of doctors, try helping the patient yourself.

It is important to bring alcohol alcohol and its decay products as quickly as possible. For three to ten days, the nerve system should recover. At this time, carefully try to push it to treatment. It is necessary to restore organs and systems that suffered after the long-term consumption of alcohol.

The patient should take vitamins, antioxidants, antidepressants, engaged in physical exertion and more often to be in the fresh air. If you can control it. Talk to him for souls and find out the cause of alcoholism. Perhaps a person has a hobby or favorite hobbies - let him take himself with something else and develops in this direction.

Try to protect it from communicating with drinking companions. If possible, move to another city. But as practice shows, there is often no such opportunity, so other ways have to use. If the patient loyally treats treatment, offer it coding or other similar technique.

It is very important to support the formation of healthy habits. Encourage the patient with something significant for him. Rejoice together to successes. It is very important to consolidate a sober lifestyle. We persuade the patient to talk with a psychologist. Tell me that if he does not like, you will no longer go to the session. Previously talk with a psychologist for yourself and make sure that this person can find with a sick point of contact.

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Brew the patient with healthy herbal drinks. A good option is a decoction from the Hypericum. Put four tablespoons of crushed grass into a half-liter jar. Fill it with hot water. Boil the decoction in the water bath for twenty minutes. Let the patient take a decoction at half a glass a day before taking food. After two weeks, the thrust for alcohol drinks will noticeably decrease, some will appear in front of them. Also useful to drink juices.

If the patient clearly realized his problem and ready to get rid of it once and for all, you can go along with it to the clinic for sensitizing therapy. It will be introduced into its body, which will cause alcohol disgust and intolerance to the organism.

If, in subsequent, he will take alcohol even in a small amount, it is expected to be sad effects in the form of vomiting, impaired visual, pain and spasms in the heart, strong headache, pressure jumps, etc. Therefore, before adopting the next glass of alcohol, it will clearly realize what it will lead to.

Many people live with alcoholics for years and constantly reproach them instead of making attempts to treat and find the cause of such behavior. Understand that alcoholism is a disease, from which a person is difficult to exit independently.

Comments leave a comment
Georgy. 07/17/2018 at 15:49

Is it possible to cure alcoholism? Or alcoholics, as well as former drug addicts?

To answer
Leonid 07/17/2018 at 23:47

Why not really, if you approach the question with all liability and desire, then everything is possible. I just myself suffered from chronic alcoholism, therefore, from personal experience, so to speak, you write. Drops MIDSO The doctor appointed that he does not pull a separate thanks to alcohol at all. Found a job, everything is settled in life.

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