Lovers from alcoholism

Lovers from alcoholism

Fit therapy fans have long been known about the healing properties of the lismancy. The decoction of the plant is used to treat various diseases, but folk legari are convinced that, unlike other herbs, with similar properties of loves is an effective means of alcoholism.

Action Lismancy. After eating infusion from the loving, a nausea or a vomitive reaction occurs if alcohol arrived in the body. With each subsequent flow of alcohol, nausea will occur, which will soon turn into a disgust for alcohol. Some people do not show the effects of the tincture immediately, but in about a week. Also, not everyone has vomiting, but the disgust appears always.

Collect liste. Root dig a month after flowering. The non-fermented material contains poisonous properties. Experts recommend not to use roots and leaves from a one-year plant. For the treatment of alcoholism, it is better to use plants from two years and older when the rhizome will be quite strong enough. You can dry the lomies in the outdoors or in the oven - useful properties will be saved. It is better to collect a plant yourself, but if there is no such possibility, buy it in a pharmacy.

Recipes using lovers:

  • You will need 100 g of the roots of the lismancy and 10 g of the laurel sheet. In combination, these components are very effective. Check them into the container and fill 1 liters of water. In such a form, the ingredients should stand in a dark cool place for 14 days. The patient needs to drink 200 ml of drink every day.
  • Take 15 g of grasses Lismancy, 20 g bitter wormwood and chasty, 30 g of peppermint, rosemary and sage leaves. Grind all herbs and pour them 0.5 liters of boiling water, then put on a small fire for 15-20 minutes. When everything is ready, cool and strain the decoction. It is recommended to give it 100 g dependent person before meals within 60 days.
  • Mix the crushed root of the lismarity and a dual-free liqueness in the same ratio. On 4 tbsp. l. 1 l water is required. Fill in the ingredients with water and let the brave break until the morning. After that, install it on a weak fire and boil for 15 minutes. Cool and strain the tool. The patient is recommended to take it 2 times a day before the meal of the glass for 60 days. After that, you need to relax a week and continue treatment again. During the year, the patient must pass 2-3 courses, subject to the effectiveness of the means.

Features of use. Most drinking people do not seek to overcome their dependence. Therefore, they are unlikely to approve the use of a lovelitude, especially if you consider the fact that the reaction is unpleasant. Therefore, it is better to use it so that the drinker noticed. There are several ways:

  • Those who suffer from alcoholism are often dying, so you can offer them a drink as a silencer and alcohol tincture, saying that the tool is completely herbal. If, after another dose of alcohol, he will be bad, he will not think to blame ordinary herbs in this.
  • If the patient's condition is too running, you can pour into a bottle of infusion with a loving instead of alcohol. Most likely, he will not notice the difference, because it will act as a habit and think that alcohol is really in the bottle.

Contraindications. Lovers are not recommended to use pregnant women, as well as people with diseases hemorrhoids and kidneys. The fact is that the plant contributes to the influx of blood to the organs of a small pelvis, therefore, it may lead to a miscarriage or aggravation of existing diseases.

Lovers is not a panacea of \u200b\u200balcoholism. Many noted that the plant has an action mainly in the early stages. If the patient's condition is already too launched, it is unlikely that the nausea will be a serious obstacle, but it is worth trying. When using a lismancy, it is important to monitor the state of a person. If it deteriorates greatly, you need to call an ambulance.

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