What pills from worms

What pills from worms

Helmintosis is a disease that develops by infecting the organism by parasites - round and tape worms. The human infection occurs from a sick animal, through dirty hands (contact with the soil), an infected person. Antigelmitosis preparations are vegetable and synthetic origin. Medicines violate the vital activity of parasites, which leads them to death and removal from the body. Depending on the type of helmint, appropriate drugs are selected.

For the treatment of helminthosis caused by ribbon worms, the pills "Fenasal" are prescribed. The medicine is used in pediatrics for children older than a year. The course of treatment is prescribed according to the scheme: 4 days of reception of the drug, 4 days break and again a four-day medication course. Dosage calculated depending on age. Then conduct a survey for the presence of helminths. During the course of treatment, a diet with a minimum amount of heavy and oily food is recommended.

When infected with round worms, the doctor prescribes the following drugs:

  • Naftamon. The course is 3-5 days, take the tablet, not chewing, before eating. Designed for adults and children from 3 years.
  • "Medamin". Synthetic preparation in the form of tablets. Apply three times a day before eating for three days. Contraindications are a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • "Levamizol". It is accepted by a one-time dose: adults are 150 mg, for children it is calculated taking into account weight - 2.5 mg / kg.
  • "Vermoks". Depending on the type of helminth and the age of the patient, the dose and duration of the course of drug treatment are calculated. The drug acts on a wide range of parasites. It is contraindicated to children under 3 years old, pregnant women and during lactation.
  • "Piperazine". The course of treatment is 2 days with the drug reception twice a day. Do not prescribe to children under 3 years old, people with diseases of the CNS, jade.

The human infection with flat worms belonging to the class of trematodes is treated only in a medical hospital, as the used drugs are toxic and are dangerous for the patient's life. Prescribed the following medicines:

  • Powder "Hokoxil". The course of treatment is 2 days. In the process of passing a medication course, allergic reactions may occur, pain in the liver and heart, tachycardia.
  • Injection solution "Emitten hydrochloride" is introduced intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the state of the patient and the history of the disease. Pains are possible in legs, vomiting, polyneurite, diarrhea. Apply for the treatment of adults and children from 6 months.

When there is no time or the ability to determine the type of parasite, which caused the disease, prescribe a wide range of actions: "Negothandazole", "Ambillgar", "Bititol".

Dirty hands

Helminthozam are most often susceptible to children. If there is a disease with helminths in the baby, the course of treatment is necessary to all households, including pets. Comply with strict rules of sanitation and hygiene: to conduct sanitary processing of the room, toys, bed linen, towels and other personal care items. For the treatment of children, pediatricians prescribe such drugs as Piranthel, Metovit, Decaris. Select plant preparations with the smallest toxic effect.

During pregnancy, anthelmintic drugs are contraindicated. In exceptional cases, the doctor may appoint only Piperazine.

In folk medicine there are ways to eliminate worms. Such methods can be applied to children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Help to withdraw helminths:

  • carrot juice;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • garlic enemas;
  • flax-seed;
  • alcohol tincture of onion;
  • buckle of grenade leather.

In order not to expose the body with a load in the form of toxic medicines in the treatment of helminthosis, it is necessary to take care of the prevention of the disease. Observe and teach children with elementary hygienic skills. Regularly conduct homemade pets surveys. At first symptoms of helminthosis, you need to contact a specialist for the examination and appointment of the correct reasonable treatment.

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