Askorutin - instructions for use

Askorutin - instructions for use

Askorutin - tablets containing ascorbic acid and rutine, besides other substances, auxiliary nature. Refers to a group of vitamins. Produced in packs containing 10, 50 or 100 tablets having green-yellow color. In polymeric banks can be 30 pieces.

Action and Use of Askorutin

This compensates the missing vitamins, the necessary organism. Takes part in oxidation and recovery processes. Rutin will not allow ascorbic acid to collapse and help the tissues better absorb it.

Applied to avitaminosis C or P, as well as hypovitaminosis. If the doctor treats the pathology affecting the permeability of the vessels, as a result of which the latter is broken (for example, hemorrhages occurring in the retina of the eye), then for therapy passing in a comprehensive order, prescribes this drug. The walls of the vessels are strengthened, their fragility is reduced, permeability, too, immunity rises.

Tablets are used in prevention or treatment of capillaries arising from the reception of salicylates, as well as anticoagulants.

In addition to the above, the drug is prescribed with infectious diseases such as measles. Displays with hypertension, vasculitis (hemorrhoidal), radiation disease. The indication may be rheumatism. The medicine is used with capillaryotoxicosis, as well as septic endocarditis. In addition to the above, prescribed if the glomerulonephritis is detected.

Children Askorutin can be appointed if they have bleeded from the nose. Used to prevent influenza and similar infections.

Action and use

Contraindications of ascorutin

If a person has individual intolerance to the components, of which the medicine consists, it is not allowed to take Askorutin. Pregnant (in the first trimester) is strictly forbidden to use medicine. Do not prescribe children to three years.

Do not recommend using diabetics, people suffering from gout. It is impossible to use under urolithiasis. It is forbidden to cut the patient with thrombophlebitis, as well as if the blood coagulation is increased.

Side effects of ascorutin

In most cases, normal tolerance is recorded, but an allergy may appear occasionally. There are such effects such as insomnia and nausea, vomiting may begin, the head hurts, blood pressure rises.

If you take Askorutin for a long time and without control of doctors, then in the kidneys or in the urinary tract, it is possible that stones may appear.

Side effects

How to apply ascorutin

The drug has an effective effect in the prevention of pathologies. However, it is used for treatment only with some other medications.

Tablets swallowed after taking food and wash with water. From what the severity of the disease and its character depends on how much this drug needs to be taken. But the course usually does not exceed the month.

It is better to swallow the pill, and not to break. After all, otherwise, ascorbic acid will destroy dental enamel. Of course, its amount in the preparation is not enough, but still, it is acid.

In addition, doctors recommend to use simple water, but not carbonated. The thing is that the soda will cause an alkaline reaction. As a result, ascorbic acid is partially neutralized.

Ascorutin's prevention take 1 tablet 2 times a day. For treatment - 3 times, also 1 tablet.

How to take scrototin children

Overdose drug

If a person suddenly takes 10 tablets or more, then the blood pressure will immediately increase, there will be a strong headache, it will be very sick, diarrhea and vomiting will appear.

If this happens, about 4 or 5 activated carbon tablets should immediately take. After that, immediately call "ambulance".

How to take ascorutin children

Children prescribe the drug only to achieve three years. Used in the prevention of diseases such as influenza. Since the walls of the vessels are strengthened, and immunity is improving, the body will unlikely fall into the risk group of viral pathologies. Studies were conducted, the results of which showed that the children accepting Askorutin, in the epidemics of the influenza there were much less frequently than their peers. Prescribed with scarletin, frequent bleeding from the nose, rheumatism and measles.

May cause allergic rashes, the child starts vomiting, headache, diarrhea occurs. If such a manifest, you stop the drug use and consult a physician. If your child has an allergy to vitamin C or P, and increased blood clotting, the drug is prohibited to drink.

For the treatment of children should take Ascorutin 1 tablet per day, 3 times a day for 10 days.

For the prevention of influenza use of half or the whole tablet 1 time per day. The exact amount depends on how old the child. The treatment course is from one week to 10 days.

How to take scrototin children

Use of the drug by pregnant

Since the first 12 weeks is the formation of fetal organs, the use of drugs is not recommended in order to avoid the possible consequences. Next, taking as a prophylactic against influenza and similar infections.

It is proved that if you eat Ascorutin, the risk during childbirth uterine bleeding will be much lower. Can prevent such a problem, as the veins.

Using drug-drugs-of-pressure-at-pregnancy

Ascorutinum for treating diseases

When varicose Ascorutin used for prophylaxis. Since it strengthens blood vessels, the swelling becomes significantly less inflammation and tested. The most frequently prescribed together with some drug.

If a person with rosacea, then Ascorutin used inside as well as out of it produced tonic. Broth daisy cooled and added tablets (2 pieces), previously pounded into powder, then the problem areas cleaned.

The article is exploratory in nature, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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