Instructions for the use of trocserutin

Instructions for the use of trocserutin

Trokserutin is a popular medicine designed to eliminate vascular diseases both at the initial stage and in their developed form. This is a powerful antioxidant with an analgesic effect. That is, the substance along with the elimination of the disease performs the feature of anesthesia, which is not always characteristic of this kind of drugs. Of course, in cases where the varicose veins is accompanied by a certain pain syndrome, the tool is simply not replaceable. Consider in more detail all its characteristics.

Method of action

Throxerutin is an angioprotective substance, that is, used in complex therapy for the overall protection of vessels from fragility, reducing permeability. It normalizes blood microcirculation in frozen veins, causes an acceleration of metabolism at the cell level, has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Tones the shell of capillaries and veins, stabilizes the blood balance. It is perfectly absorbed both from the inside and outside on the surface of the skin, is similarly quick and displayed. The activity of the drug reaches its maximum in different ways. It happens to feel the action after a couple of hours, and it only happens after the day. It all depends on the method of reception.

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Forms and methods of reception

There are two forms of release of this medicine:

  • capsules;
  • gel.

Capsules are accepted during food intake, drove to a large amount of fluid. The usual amount of adult reception is 1 pc. 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts about two weeks. After that, the drug is prescribed to maintain the result of 1 piece 1 time per day.

The gel is applied with a small layer on the surface with painful signs and is carefully rubbing. Plots of leather with open wounds, scratches, as well as mucous membranes to lubricate them contraindicated. The procedure for applying the gel is performed 2-3 times a day. Also possible compresses. Be sure to quickly flush your hands with soap after contact with the substance. Do not allow the mixture to get into the eye or mouth, as it is possible to get poisoning.

When used

Doctors are prescribed with such major illnesses:

  • any form of varicose veins;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • thrombophlebitis light degree;
  • edema, stretching muscles, convulsions;
  • some injuries of soft tissues;
  • syndromes of the appearance of trophic ulcers
  • haemorrhoids.

It is forbidden to apply

For patients who have a manifestation of the disease associated with the following number of features, it is not allowed to use the drug:

  • individual intolerance of components, allergies;
  • enzyme lactase failure in the body;
  • acute gastritis;
  • the reason for the appearance of eath is the violation of the functions of the kidneys, heart, liver;
  • children are less than 18 years old.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Troxerutin applies only to the conclusion of the doctor. Since there is no official practice of applying a substance for pregnant women and nursing, the appointment of the tool occurs only in the case when the need for treatment for mom exceeds the risks for the baby. Most often, the medicine is recommended to use in the form of a gel, because it does not fall into the milk.

Other features

The device is sold at the pharmacy without a recipe. The gel is stored at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius in place without high humidity. Tablets are recommended to maintain in the range of 15-25 degrees Celsius. Overdose may be accompanied by intestinal disorder. Freely interacts with other drugs. Side effects were not detected. Allowed for drivers.

Now we know what trocserutin represents, and we understand how and when to apply it. And be sure to remember that before the use of any drug it is worth paying attention to the rules of use and study the instructions.

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