VOLOLIF - Instructions for use

VOLOLIF - Instructions for use

Wellarif is a healing gel, one of the most popular in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Most often applied in varicose veins and injury injuries of varying severity. It has a healing effect and improves the circulation of blood cells on the micro level. Its use is very efficient, since the tool has a simple and useful composition. Consider the more detailed, from which the Gel Wellaife consists and how to use it correctly.

Composition and properties

Wellarifa contains three main components:

  • Heparin. One of the main anticoagulants in modern medicine. Perfectly prevents blood turning, which is important in varicoses. Performs the function of recovery of connective tissue cells and struggling with inflammatory processes in all segments of pathogens.
  • Decantenol. Provitamin contributing to the rapid suction of heparin and the assimilation by its organism. Therapeutic procedure without his presence could slow down. This auxiliary ingredient, which is transformed into Vitamin B5, falling on the skin. So, he accelerates the exchanged process of the necessary tissue elements and gives an ambulance regeneration of damaged parts of the body.
  • Trokserutin. The main function of the timer consists in rapid strengthening the structure of capillaries and veins, making them less permeable. It reduces the chances for the appearance of stagnation and blocking the blood vessel, eliminates the manifestation of the varicose mesh.

All three components are connected to a preservative - an antiseptic of phenylethyl alcohol, which has a bactericidal property and conducts disinfection of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Indications for use

This agent is recommended to apply with the following ailments:

  • pain and edema in different parts of the body, mainly legs;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hematomas, dislocations and stretching;
  • various wounds and injuries;
  • chronic thrombophlebitis and lymphostasis;
  • symptoms of trophic ulcers;
  • violation of moderate blood circulation in all types of vessels and tissues.

Pay attention to the fact that pregnant and nursing mothers use the drug is not prohibited, as it is excreted from the body, without falling into the milk during lactation.

Mode of application

In the desired quantity, we squeeze the Vollarif from tube and apply directly to the hearth disease. Rubbing it with light circular movements to full absorption. We repeat the procedure three times a day. When the wound already healed, they still continue to process with gel at least three weeks. If the disease began to progress, then renew the course. In case of trophic ulcers, additionally processes the wound with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furaticiline before applying, as well as above, we apply a sterile gauze bandage. It is necessary once a day.



The means cannot be used in cases where wounds and injuries are too deep, as well as in which inflammatory fabrics are very quickly filled with blood and it is delayed in their cavities. In this case, you need to immediately contact the surgeon. The individual intolerance of the components of the substance also plays the role, primarily it concerns allergies. The gel is applied only to an outdoor manner, it cannot be applied to the mucous membranes, as well as it is not intended for internal reception. The drug does not use ophthalmologists.

Features of the drug

In the pharmacy, Volafa is released without a recipe. The storage period of the medication is two years. Store it at room temperature from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. Do not forget to close the drug tightly after its use, otherwise it may lose all useful properties. The gel interacts positively using other attending tools. In case of overdose, no special reactions are observed.

Now we know what Velatife is and how to use it. And if some questions remained, you can always turn to a specialist for a more detailed study of the drug.

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