Chlorhexidine, instructions for use

Chlorhexidine, instructions for use

Wonderful antiseptic - chlorhexidine preparation, often used locally. It struggles with the vital activity of bacteria, herpes, as well as the simplest. It should be noted that other viruses, as well as disputes or lactobacteria are not perceived by the drug. It is necessary to know that blood and pus are substances that significantly reduce the effect of medication. In a pharmacy, it can be purchased in free access, for this you do not need a recipe from the doctor.

Indications for the use of chlorhexidine

  • Processing and disinfection of abrasion, wounds, cuts and other skin damage.
  • In cosmetology, it is quite effectively struggling with the advent of acne.
  • Chlorhexidine is used in order to sterilize instruments in medicine. Also handle the hands of medical personnel before inspections or operations. In particular, used to clean the equipment.
  • The medicine can also serve as a kind of security method with unprotected sex, struggling with venereal diseases. But, it is worth understanding here that its constant use for these purposes is unacceptable, since in a large extent chlorhexidine affects the mucous membranes, irritating them.
  • Often after the treatment of teeth, dental operations, dentists handle wounds in the mouth of this drug.
  • Treatment of collision, urtroprostatite, urethritis.
  • Treating bacterial vaginosis.
  • Chlorhexidine is used for processing in obstetrics.
  • It is an excellent preventive tool from various infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases, even if they are accompanied by the separation of pus.
  • If you are afraid of "pick up" infections or disease in crowded places or in nature, take with you chlorhexidine as a prophylactic agent, applying it to the skin.
  • Disinfection of the room.
  • Treatment of diseases associated with otolaryngology, namely tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.

How to apply chlorhexidine

In use, it is simple, possibly outdoor and local application.

Form of release chlorhexidine

Produced in 3 pharmacological forms - vaginal candles, solutions and gels.

Applied dosage

  • If you apply for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections: enter 1 candle after unprotected intercourse, but note that time after its completion should not be more than two hours. It can also be used for prevention drug in the form of a solution: 1-2 ml. Enter in the urethra - this is a recommendation for women. 2-3 ml introduce into the urethra - for men. After administration, it is impossible to go to the toilet 2-3 hours. Women can also use a solution through the vagina, but here the dosage will be different - 5-10 ml.
  • The medicine will help not only in prevention, but also in treatment if you have a sex infection detected. Typically, treatment is from week to 10 days. Every day you should use 1 candles. If the treatment has not caused an effect, then on the recommendation of the doctor you can increase the duration of admission to 20 days.
  • For leather used medicine in the form of a gel or solution 3 times a day.
  • Conducting comprehensive treatment, insert a solution in the urethra 1-2 times a day for 2-3 ml within 10 days by appointment of a doctor.
  • Candle treatments depends on several factors and is determined by the doctor individually.

Side effects

  • Often turns redness on the skin, itching.
  • Increased sensitivity to the sun rays.
  • Rarely, but still happens, the candles cause bleeding.
  • Manifestations of allergies.
  • The skin can become a sticky.
  • Manifestation of signs of dermatitis.

Despite all these factors, it is worth saying that side properties are a rarity.

Allergy to the Sun (solar urticaria)

Chlorhexidine - contraindications

  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • Children under 18. Contraindication can be corrected by a reasonable inferior doctor.
  • Chlorhexidine can not be treated with wounds caused by crank-brain injury, damage to the eardrum or spinal cord injuries.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

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