Bioparox, instructions for use

Bioparox, instructions for use

Bioparox is an aerosol form of a local antibiotic. The scope of the drug is inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The maximum of the action of bioparox is manifested in the cavity of the nose and the rotoglot.

Composition and main action of bioparox

Bioparox is an aerosol enclosed in a 20 ml balloon. The manufacturer provides 2 ways to introduce an antibiotic - in the cavity of the nose and the oral cavity. For this, bioparox is completed with special dispensers. The main active substance of bioparox - Fuzangin, thanks to which it has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. In the canopy - 400 doses, in each of which - 125 μg of Fusangin. The maximum accumulation of the antibiotic is created on the mucous membrane, with the secretion of the respiratory tract.

Bioparox oppresses the activity of such infectious agents as streptococci and staphylococci, pneumococci, mushrooms of the genus Candida, pneumonia mycoplasma, neasery (some bacterium strains) and anaerobes. He relieves the edema of the tissues of the mucous meadows, makes breathing.

Indications for the use of bioparox

Bioparox is a representative of drugs that act locally, that is, aiming. In the "sight" of this antibiotic, infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract fall. Therefore, bioparox often includes the following diseases in the treatment regimen:

  • rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and rinopharygitis;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • after removal of almonds in order to prevent.

Apply bioparox to children up to 12 years old and pregnant women without additional consultation, the doctor is not recommended.

The maximum efficiency of the antibiotic manifests in cases of early treatment of the disease.

Application and dosage of bioparox

The antibiotic is introduced locally (into the oral cavity or in the nose) by injection using the appropriate nozzle. The main therapeutic dose is as follows:

  • when introduced into the oral cavity (in the diseases of the throat, larynx, bronchi, after removal of almonds) - 4 injection / 4 times a day;
  • when introduced into the nose (rhinitis, sinusites, rinopargits) - 2 injections / twice a day in each nostril.

To achieve a larger result, an antibiotic is possible in both cavities. After using the nozzle, you need to process with alcohol by wiping with a cotton swab or disk.
According to the instructions, it is not recommended to accept bioparox for more than a week and discontinue treatment as soon as notice improvements.


Side effects and contraindications of bioparox

Despite the fact that the treatment of bioparox has shown good tolerance of the drug, the adverse reactions of the body are not excluded:

  • respiratory system: Chihannie, drying the mucous nose and throat and, as a result, the feeling of burning, struts,
  • cough, an asthmatic attack, spasm or larynx swelling may occur;
  • GCT: dyspepsia (nausea, sometimes - vomiting), changes in taste;
  • visual organs: tearing, redness of the conjunction;
  • skin: rash, itching, sometimes anaphylactic shock.

Contraindications to the treatment of bioparox are mainly due to its possible side effect:

  • tendency to allergic reactions and bronchospasm;
  • children's age (due to the danger of the development of laryngospasm);
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.

Additional Information

Bioparox does not compete with other medicines, in special cases can be assigned to other antibiotics. There is no data on overdose. Exceeding the duration of the antibiotic intake without medical consultation can only worsen the state due to the violation of local immunity in the application zone.

It is possible to store the balloon at temperatures up + 30c in a place where there is no possibility of heating, including from direct sunlight. The drug remains active within 2 years from the date of production.

Bioparox is an effective method of combating infection in the upper respiratory tract. The correct dose and the correct introduction of an antibiotic on a series with regular use will allow you to quickly inactivate the causative agent of the disease. But only if this pathogen enters the drug zone.

Comments leave a comment
Kira 30/10/2020 at 13:33

Once I was prescribed in the treatment of a sinusitis this antibiotic. Good tool. But now it is removed from production. And in pharmacies it is not! I generally try to be treated without the use of such strong drugs. If we begin treatment at the first manifestations, then you can completely do without less strong, but at the same time effective. Like Tablets Orvis Rino. This is a medicinal product on a vegetable basis. There is no addiction to it. Helps with a runny nurse no worse drops. For people who are forbidden by vasoconstrupping drops a good alternative. At one time, the doctor advised these pills. With those just they fly a runny norm.


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